The creed of the flashaholic (my version):


Nov 24, 2006
Between East and West Coasts..
:wave:After perusing the forum for several years..

(Add/modify as you see fit)

The creed of the flashaholic (my version):

Remember: With great lumens, comes great responsibility:

1) Respect other flashaholics, even if their light is brighter than yours

2) Never point your flashlight at another human being, unless defending yourself

3) 1 flashlight = no flashlight. 2 flashlights = 1 flashlight, ad infinitum...

4) Always carry spare batteries (see #3)

5) Always be ready to lend a flashlight to someone in need (see #3)

6) There is no such thing as a "bad" UI - Some are just "better" than others

7) A beamshot is worth "a thousand words" - (maybe more)

8) 1 lumen in hand is worth 1000 lumens anywhere else

9) Honor thy Moderator

10) Thou shall pay homage to the Serving Wench, once in a while..

:party:Happy New Year.:party:
Reminds me of when I was a kid. I went to a fairly strict school and we were often asked, "What is the first word of the rulebook?" to which we always answered, "Respect".

Some *** at Academy shined a TLR-1 in my face when I asked "how many lumens are those?" The kicker, he WAGGLED it at me, and it was attatched to a SIG. I about came across the counter over it. But I held my peace. I plan on going in again with my Malkoff and 6P and when he does it again in response to a question, I will say "pretty impressive, but how does it compare to mine?" and beaming the little prick right in the face.

Sorry, had to vent. It made me very mad. #2 is a very good rule.
2) Never point your flashlight at another human being, unless defending yourself.

Ya' know . . .

When presenting/sharing one's flashlight(s) to/with other folks, that's inevitably one of, if not the very first things virtually everyone does (i.e., directing a righteous *BLAST* of light into the other person's eyes, thereby demonstrating in no uncertain terms the mind-numbing, eye-scorching, hellacious light output of their torch) - leastwise from what I've observed, anyway.

"Hey! You think that's bright . . . check THIS out!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D :D :D

Cheers! :twothumbs

Re: "Lux et Veritas!"

"Lux et Veritas!"

bspofford -- Now that's a noteworthy creed any upstanding Flashaholic would do best to fashion his/her life and pursuit of illumination upon! :thumbsup:

Hmmm ... You're a Yale graduate, perhaps? :thinking:

-Clive :twothumbs