Okay I was goofing around with some LEDs and a Minimag. I found that you can run a green LED direct drive off of a Minimag though current goes to about 70ma on fresh alkaline cells the current on NiMh (Hybrid setting for a few weeks) is only about 45ma. While still overdriven 45ma is not too bad as the LED is replacable. Current on freshly charged cells tops out at about 57ma but drops quickly. The Greenlite is not designed to be bright, it is designed to provide a low level of illumination where needed in a potential emergency situation. Here are the materials you need for the Greenlite:
-1 MiniMag 2 AA Incan
-1 5mm green LED
-2 AA NiMh Cells
-Take the green LED out of its packaging
-Remove the reflector from the MiniMag Head
-Drill the hole in the reflector to allow the 5mm green LED to pass freely.
-Insert 2AA NiMh Cells
-Remove Incan bulb
-Insert LED into lampholder, if LED does not light, reverse LED leads
-Remove LED and trim to length (this may take a few tries)
-Insert LED into lampholder, make sure polarity is correct and LED lights
-reassemble head and screw onto minimag, it should not twist the LED, the LED should turn off when the head is tight
The Theory of operation on the Greenlite is very simple. The NiMh Cells output approx 2.4 volts total (about 2.8 when freshly charged). The LED has a voltage drop of 2.0 volts, leaving 0.4 volts or 0.8 volts left over. The voltage drop of the LED in conjuntion with circuit resistance brings the current level down. Alkalines cells can be used if they are partially discharged first or are only used intermittently. It is easy to tell when a green LED is getting hot as the color will shift to yellow as the diode case gets hot.
-1 MiniMag 2 AA Incan
-1 5mm green LED
-2 AA NiMh Cells
-Take the green LED out of its packaging
-Remove the reflector from the MiniMag Head
-Drill the hole in the reflector to allow the 5mm green LED to pass freely.
-Insert 2AA NiMh Cells
-Remove Incan bulb
-Insert LED into lampholder, if LED does not light, reverse LED leads
-Remove LED and trim to length (this may take a few tries)
-Insert LED into lampholder, make sure polarity is correct and LED lights
-reassemble head and screw onto minimag, it should not twist the LED, the LED should turn off when the head is tight
The Theory of operation on the Greenlite is very simple. The NiMh Cells output approx 2.4 volts total (about 2.8 when freshly charged). The LED has a voltage drop of 2.0 volts, leaving 0.4 volts or 0.8 volts left over. The voltage drop of the LED in conjuntion with circuit resistance brings the current level down. Alkalines cells can be used if they are partially discharged first or are only used intermittently. It is easy to tell when a green LED is getting hot as the color will shift to yellow as the diode case gets hot.
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