The LED Museum *WILL* be moving again soon. :(

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Is the end of The LED Museum near? :(

Yeah, you read the thread title correctly.

This time, it has nothing whatsoever to do with any tragedy.

My sister (with whom I share this apartment) told me last night that it's a fairly high likelihood that we'll be moving this May when the lease here expires, because she claims the rent is too high here. If we move, it won't be far - somewhere else in this immediate neighbourhood (probably within a five mile radius of here). But the prospect of getting all of my stuff packed up once again for the move has got me down. :shakehead

A good percentage of the stuff that needs moving is too large to fit her car (a 1992 Buick Regal) and too large and/or heavy for us/our parents to carry - that's why we'll need to call movers.
:( :shakehead :(
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Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Moving SUX! I can't imagine moving all the stuff you have and use!

I still don't know where EVERYTHING is and we've lived here 3 years now!

edit: Do y'all honestly believe that by the time you pay movers etc. that moving to a lower rent will really pay off?

We moved to get out of Houston where we could hear the neighbors sneeze and where there was a drug shooting next door!
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Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

:ohgeez: Sounds like a major chore!

If you and your sister need help moving stuff, send me a PM.
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

You move more than a pack of Gypsies. I hate to move too, although it does help you get rid of "stuff" you thought you needed.
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

If you have a CPF moving party with flashlight door prizes, I'm sure you will have more than enough help! Heck, if I lived closer I would be more than happy to help.
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

At least you have some time to organize the little things. (And maybe make some able bodied friends with trucks ;) )
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Hey LED,

If you can get a definitive date let me know. I'll put it on my calender if the wife hasn't got anything planned. I've got a truck.

Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

It's usually not until I move that I realize how much stuff I've got that I don't want anymore. If you have any lights you don't want anymore, maybe could sell a few at CPF Marketplace or on E-bay.
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Sorry to hear that guy. I really hate moving, almost nothing is as big a pain in the rear. If you do move heavier stuff by yourself look into the new straps which let you use your legs to move things without straining your back. The sliders that go under legs help a lot too, I found they work pretty well in our last move.

And then there are the things that disappear... sorry to hear about it guy. :(
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Sorry to hear that! Hope your move goes smoothly! Use a reputable company with Insurance on their moves, and it should go great. The extra cost is worth the extra reassurance that all yer stuff will get there. (In one piece, too!)
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Hey LED,

If you can get a definitive date let me know. I'll put it on my calender if the wife hasn't got anything planned. I've got a truck.

Hi Kelmo,

Thank you very much for your offer :thanks: but I don't yet have a definitive date of my move, or if I'll actually have to move at all.
My moving is a fair probability, but is *NOT* a certainty.
Re: The LED Museum *MIGHT* be moving again soon. :(

Keep me posted LED. The rule of the kelmo house is 1st come 1st serve when it comes to weekend scheduling. Right now the last weekend of May is taken. The rest of the month is open in reguards to my scheduling.

If you need help, please ask.
Leaving the Pocket?
It's unlikely, but it *IS* a possibility.

I found out a short time ago this morning that my moving ***WILL*** be a certainty; we have until 05-01-08 to get our butts out of here. :shakehead
I changed the thread title to show that moving is a certainty now. :(

I did tell my sister that we would have to come up with first, last, and deposit; that some homes come unfurnished (including not having such appliances as stoves and refrigerators), that if the home is financed (vs. a rental) that appliance or structural repairs would be our responsibility, and that we'd need to hire a moving company because neither us nor our parents would be able to move some of the larger/heavier items.

She apparently knew about the financial issues, and yes, we'll be hiring a moving company to get our butts in the new place.

The only thing she asked me to do today regarding this move is to visit the Sacramento Bee website and look for homes or apts. of 2 or 3 bedrooms in size priced at $1,000.00 a month or less.
Can't you just move to somewhere less expensive than the big cities in CA?
I don't have a high enough income to get a place of my own - not even in the bad part of this move will be dictated by my sister (whom I live with) 100%.
She also wants to stay in the Sacramento area, which is where our parents live.

I just now realised something...if my room at the new place does not have an active cable receptacle, there will be no more beam cross-sectional analyses of lights. :shakehead

This is because the computer that hosts the ProMetric beam profile analyser does not have a modem, and this computer (the one I'm typing on right now) does not have a 3.5" floppy disk drive - and does not even have a place to put one. The computer with the Prometric in it can connect to the internet only via cable modem; which of course requires that a cable receptacle be located relatively nearby. :sick2:
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