The MaxBlaster vs. The Torch

Remember the types of packs like from page 1 and image shown again below use 11 x 2/3A cells (13.2V), 12 x 2/3A (14.4V), 13 x 2/3A (15.6V).


I have also made 9 x 2/3A (10.8V) or 10 x 2/3A (11.2V), and have made 2s3p or 3s3p or 4s3p, as well as various configurations with AA's, sub-c's, etc. etc. I'm using white shrink now. These tri configurations with 2/3A require a tribored Mag. My AA 4 cell wide also do best with a slightly enlarged inside, or ideally a quad bored. It is easier for flashlight mod makers to evenly enlarge inside diameter of Maglite, rather than FM's/Mac's/few others do those beautiful bored channels. Some AA's can barely fit in a quad formation, but it is extremely tight, and very hard to prevent battery shrink from scraping off resulting in a short.

I also have made Li-Ion packs with balance charge taps.
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So are you now offering your services? Need a PM? I may need a Titanium 1800 12s1p or if you can cram in the 13th cell for a fun project in a quad bored 3D FM host. Something that will burn something. I haven't located the proper bulb either.


So are you now offering your services? Need a PM? I may need a Titanium 1800 12s1p or if you can cram in the 13th cell for a fun project in a quad bored 3D FM host. Something that will burn something. I haven't located the proper bulb either.


There are some Good lamps for 12 and 13 cells, a good one being the 64623, but other lower watt lamps also run well on 12+ 13 cells and still burn stuff, and run longer. The 64623 burns stuff real good.

So are you now offering your services? Need a PM? I may need a Titanium 1800 12s1p or if you can cram in the 13th cell for a fun project in a quad bored 3D FM host. Something that will burn something. I haven't located the proper bulb either.


You mean like MissionaryMan did with the 64430 setup? I ordered those 1900 4/5 Sub-C NiMH from EBay, and will test it all out in the next week.

I am concerned if I start a thread on making the packs, I could get behind and don't want to do any prepay maybe best to PM me for now.
You mean like MissionaryMan did with the 64430 setup? I ordered those 1900 4/5 Sub-C NiMH from EBay, and will test it all out in the next week.

I am concerned if I start a thread on making the packs, I could get behind and don't want to do any prepay maybe best to PM me for now.

Exactly Lux, sneak one 4/5 in the tail cap behind the pack, and try to match the other 12 cells. I'll be anxious to see if it works. My Quad Bore is ready for some FIRE!
What kind of run time could be achieved with one of these? Anyone want to give me ballpark on $$ for a turn key one?
About 10 minutes of really bright performance before it gets dim is what I've been hearing. Of course in reality it's doubtful that you would have it on for 10 minutes straight. More likely 20 second incidents, which would give you about 30ish clicks before you can really tell the pack is a lot dimmer.

This is based on reading not using, although I am building two of these. One with a 2D and another with a 3D mag.

With a soft-start switch the run-time would be a lot more because you could use lower levels for utility and keep the shock and awe up your sleeve for those times when needed. Even on low with an AW soft start switch this light would really put out some healthy usable light (I'm guessing).

Prices for turnkey usually will be ballpark 300-400 bucks, some lower and some higher.

Keep your eye on the WTS thread in the Marketplace part of the forum . In fact I think there is a slightly ugly camo finish Torch like light there right now for a very low price (in the marketplace). At least there was a week ago when I was browsing. EDIT here it is

Wicked Lasers sells a turnkey for about 300 but it's not going to be the same kind of quality that you will see here (so I hear, I know the battery packs look like crap)

If you make it yourself you can go cheap and get a direct drive one made for about half of the prices I mentioned, but would need to do some resistance mods to get the performance of the turnkeys.

Fivemega is selling some turnkey MaG 623 like lights that are styled a bit differently and with some unusual coloring you might like, click on the "my products Link on his signature.

This is a link of a closed sale, but it's useful for the links to FM's other products threads, check out Maxim 623 , Like I said they are different solutions than the ones in this thread, but they are basically supporting the same bulbs and doing it well.

You can also buy a bored host and just buy all the parts to put in it, and the bulb, you'd need a Batt Holder , or better yet the brighter 13 cell pack , a bored host, a modded mag switch(don't recommend) or a KUI kit(recommend) or an AW switch (really recommend, soft start 3 levels, and KUI holder is already mounted on it). You will also need a metal reflector and a real glass lens for the front, get a borofloat from (I think thats the name of the site).

FiveMega also has one more 2D prebored host in Gold for this build , or you can have Jesus Hernandez make something for you .

One thing to keep in mind is that some of us have the hosts but are unable to drive them because so few people have the capability to make a reliable high amperage 13 cell pack for the +1 version.

If you go longer in length you can use battery holders such as those the FM also sells as well as others and bored or unbored hosts depending on how long you go. The 3 wide ones fit into a D tube 3 times however D long your host is but you don't need to bore your light it just fits right in., the 4 wide ones you need to quad bore. For shorter lights with more voltage, like those in this thread you need to go with a pack, usually made with 2/3 A size batteries, and for those you need the tri bored 2D.

Hope this helps, I'd edit to make it clearer but it's time for me to jump in the shower and goto work!!
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What kind of run time could be achieved with one of these? Anyone want to give me ballpark on $$ for a turn key one?

Close to what Databyter stated. I'd get about 8 really bright one minute bursts with 2-3 minutes rests in between. After that I could get 4-6 reasonably bright one minute runs before recharging. It's not a light that can or should be run continuously. Consider it like a hot rod with a really small radiator that needs to take a break in between short runs.
That's great news Lux, I bought the host for it already and the switch, Just need some power to finish!.

I'll send you a PM.