The new and LAST USL build update thread!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Yes. This is a good sign. A very good sign, but I still have a lot of reservations:

1. What is the state of the battery packs? Will they be recoverable?

2. Bill still has all the power supplies. Will he send them out in a timely manner as I send out completed orders?

3. Will all the other parts and information be there? In particular, I know that all the guards are gone, and that is a problem for the guarded lights, as without a guard, the switch is really loose in the hole. If need be, I can machine up the new guards, but I'm hoping I can figure out something better (and easier).


Newly Enlightened
Oct 30, 2007
Kudo's still to you JS obviously and none of this is on you at all!

Sorry, trying not to get excited when a guy has no time for yrs/months to even have a short phone call and then a finite setup comes out....hate to even say it but hazmat just comes to mind I'm so embittered.

Happy (could be using that charger a LONG time ago)

I know as soon as I buy a charger he'll put one in the mail just because Murphy's a sick guy.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
I still don't have the packages, but I do have one of those slips that tell you you have to go pick up the packages at the post office and sign for them. I got the slip Saturday, but by that time it was already too late to go to the post office to pick them up. Then today, I had my two lower wisdom teeth out at 8AM, and have been pretty much out of action since then. Sucks.

However, tomorrow, assuming the swelling isn't too bad, I'm going to definitely go out for a bit, and if I do, I will swing by the post office and pick up the packages and probably take some pictures and an inventory and start a new thread, with a link here.

I will not close this thread, however, but will keep it open just in case. But I am tired of how long and convoluted this one is, and I want one in my own name to work with. It's my project now, and I want my own thread.

And I promise to keep everyone fully informed and up to date as to what is going on and why, and I promise to work my hardest to finish these in short order, as best I can depending on what happens at work and what happens in regards to the parts (like the battery packs and the switch guards).

Thank you everyone! You all are quite simply one of the best bunch of people anywhere, and you didn't deserve what happened here. I will do my best to rectify it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
I have the packages--all four of them. I haven't opened them yet, though, but I will do so sometime this evening.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Dude. Are you kidding? Effin rip open the boxes and tell us what is inside. I mean Jeeez. Comeon! :whistle::D

Too busy lying around in extreme pain! Sorry. They had to drill deep and split my right wisdom tooth in two in order to extract it and the whole frigging right side of my face is all swollen up, down to my neck. Much worse than the day of the extractions, and seemingly only getting worse today. Or not better anyway. And unfortunately, back when I was dealing with my lower back injury, I developed a sort of reaction to vicodin and I'd rather suffer extreme pain than take that stuff. So, I just have to live with the little bit of taking-the-edge-off that ibuprofen offers and deal with it. Reading and listening to music is what I've been doing mostly, but I'll see if I have the mental energy to dig into the boxes this afternoon. I too would like to know exactly what's in them, and especially if there is any record or list of who has gotten what and who is still owed what.

p.s. I know you weren't seriously complaining, BTW, and it isn't my intention to make you feel bad! So, don't! But I did want to explain the delay in my opening the boxes. As soon as I am up to it, I will clear the necessary work and storage space and dig into them and report back!

Thanks everyone.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 26, 2004
Get well soon, Jim!

Hopefully, this wasn't the result of finally receiving the boxes. I'd hate for you to catch whatever Bill had! :nana: :duck:

Sorry...I know that was really bad to even think...anybody got a rock that I can crawl under?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York

OK. So I unpacked the boxes. I seem to have 67 reflectors in heavy, medium, light OP, and smooth flavors, a bunch of cans and ceramic sockets, a bunch of charging and battery pig-tail cables, rocker switches, and 20 maglite bodies, tailcaps, with 20 battery packs. No heads, no lenses, no paper-work, and no lamps. And none of the completed lights that I made for Bill over a year ago. And no Triton chargers, and no power supplies (I wasn't expecting those, anyway, though).

So, obviously, there still should be more stuff coming to me!

Most importantly, though, the battery packs are all around 8 to 9 volts, which, in my opinion, probably means they are still viable. So that's very good news (tenatively) which I will soon confirm via some testing and forming of the battery packs.

I am giving the first two packs a trickle charge right now and everything seems to be going normally--no indication of a bad cell or high internal resistances in any of the cells. So, this is a good start. Even if Bill didn't send me anything else, it would be pretty easy for me to make up 20 USL's from this stuff, with not too much extra out-lay on my part.

Given that Bill has delivered this much, I don't think it's too much to hope that he will deliver the rest. I will send him an email soon to ask him.

p.s. I was too lazy to take any pictures, as other than the battery packs, I put everything else back in the boxes until I have the energy to organize my work space for the USL building.


Jun 10, 2002
Denver, CO
First of all, Jim heal quickly!

The only reason I am posting this is that Jim said there was no paperwork.

I received my complete USL order from Bill last April. For the people still waiting, don't hate me please.


Jul 22, 2004
King of Prussia, PA
That's incredibly good news, js!! (About you getting the USL parts, not about how you are feeling). As for getting your wisdom teeth removed, I think that I know what you are going through. My dental surgeon had to remove 2 of mine in several pieces when I had them out a year or so ago. That was definitely not fun. I hope that you are feeling better soon!!


Dec 17, 2002
Southern California
The only thing that just doesn't surprise me in the least is that Bill didn't even send enough parts to build ONE complete light. No lenses, no heads and no lamps. 20 bodies, I don't think that even puts me in the realm of getting one yet. :shrug: This guy (Bill) really is just too much. This, overall, would be great news if it didn't happen 4 years later.

Anywho. Feel better Jim, I know that sh!t hurts. Warm water and salt gargle.
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
It wouldn't make sense for Bill to send only this much and then never send the rest. I'll get the rest, I'm sure. WHEN that happens is maybe another story . . .

But heads, lenses and lamps are easy. Bored out bodies and precisely machined cans that hold the ceramic sockets, and battery packs are not so easy. And those are what I have! So, like I said, even if Bill never does send the rest, I can still make up 20 USL's without too much trouble. And if that doesn't cover it, I can make regulated TigerLights or some other mod for people.

It will happen. Count on it. But, obviously, it will be best and easiest if I can get the rest of the stuff from Bill and make what people paid for in the first place!

As for my jaw, it's only getting worse, and I've graduated to very sharp stabbing pains going from my ear to where my right wisdom tooth was extracted. The dull ache is one thing, but those stabbing pains REALLY suck. So, I've got an appointment in about 30 minutes for the doctor to take a look at things.

But, the first two battery packs will be finishing up their trickle charge soon, and then will start their first discharge and second charge after that. We'll see just how healthy they are in another 24 hours or so.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
So, yes, it's official: from my testing, it appears that the first two battery packs I have examined are in decent health, and I think there's a very good chance that most, if not all, of the rest of the packs will be in a similar state of decent health.

Very good news.

Oh, and I have some pain medication in a different family than Vicodin! Yes! I should have been prescribed this from the beginning, but I guess they didn't read their forms that they had me fill out where I put down that I was alergic to Vicodin and Codeine. Whatever. I'm just glad I have something strong enough to take care of the pain now. RELIEF! Finally! Feels good.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Thanks mst3k!

So . . . I'm not sure what I want to call the thread I start. I mean, hello, I certainly don't like "The new new really LAST USL build update thread", that's for sure.

Maybe something like "js's 'the buck stops here' USL mop-up thread" or something like that.

Suggestions anyone?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate New York
Bill emailed back and promised that much more stuff was on the way. He also intended to put the build info sheet in one of the boxes but had to double check something and then didn't put it back in.

So, very good news. I think there's a very good chance that Bill will pack up the rest of the stuff this weekend (excepting power supplies) and send it out to me on Monday.

Just goes to show, you never can tell.

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