The Official Malkoff Junkie thread - Part 2

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I knew Malkoff had a reputation for excellent customer service, but I recently experienced it myself and was blown away.

I wanted to exchange a m61 drop-in and buy an MD3 with 22.3 head.

I only wanted to exchange the M61 because I like the warm and neutral variants better. This is not a reason I personally saw as being valid for a return. I knew what I was buying and was delivered exactly what I paided for. Only later I decided I would perfer something else.

Cathy at Malkoff Devices then deducted the cost of the M61 module from my order and is going to include a return label in my package.

How many companies do you know would do something like that? I was fully expecting, and willing, to ship the module on my own dime and wait for them to receive it before paying for my next order. But this way I will have my flashlight much faster and save myself the cost of shipping.

I know I don't have to tell ya'll how fast their shipping is either.

TL;DR: Malkoff Devices have the best customer service I have ever experienced on top of excellent products. I will be a customer for life if they keep this up.
It was almost 3 years since I last ordered from Malkoff so now it was time again.
I just pulled the trigger for a Wildcat v6 head and Super Hound Dog head. Both 4000K. I also added a Mag 2D dropin to the order. Can't wait! :popcorn:
It was almost 3 years since I last ordered from Malkoff so now it was time again.
I just pulled the trigger for a Wildcat v6 head and Super Hound Dog head. Both 4000K. I also added a Mag 2D dropin to the order. Can't wait! :popcorn:

Llucky Swedpad!
Has anyone had any difficulty using a Surefire 6px twisty tailcap on their Malkoff host?

I swapped the twisty tailcap from my Surefire 6PX Tactical with my MD2 and while the MD2 tailcap works on the 6PX, the 6PX's tailcap doesn't work on my MD2 correctly.

I have to tighten it all the way down for it to turn on my MD2 and there is no momentary function.

Am I missing some sort of modification that is necessary? I have cr123s in the 6PX and an 18650 in the MD2.

Is it just the momentary/twisty tailcaps that don't work?

I am more used to a proud button and I don't know if I am actively looking for a replacement as much as I want to know what the options are. I thought all Surefire Z41 tailcaps worked on Malkoffs.
Yeah, Z41 works, but puts too much pressure on the springs, in my opinion. At least with a 18560 in my MD2...
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Has anyone had any difficulty using a Surefire 6px twisty tailcap on their Malkoff host?

I swapped the twisty tailcap from my Surefire 6PX Tactical with my MD2 and while the MD2 tailcap works on the 6PX, the 6PX's tailcap doesn't work on my MD2 correctly.

I have to tighten it all the way down for it to turn on my MD2 and there is no momentary function.

Am I missing some sort of modification that is necessary? I have cr123s in the 6PX and an 18650 in the MD2.

Is it just the momentary/twisty tailcaps that don't work?

I am more used to a proud button and I don't know if I am actively looking for a replacement as much as I want to know what the options are. I thought all Surefire Z41 tailcaps worked on Malkoffs.
Your 18650 may be too short. What type are you running, protected or unprotected? Protected cells are longer, and differ from one brand to another.
I had issues with the Z41 both Al and plastic on the MD2. It worked but not in momentary mode all that well. More like a twisty only. Which would be fine in a pinch. Haven't tried in some time but could do so again to see if my memory is correct. Tested with a keeppower 3400 protected 18650.
Oh. I hardly ever use the momentary mode. Actually never. I don't like to wear out the rubber on top but mainly because it servers no purpose, when I want the light, I want it on. I haven't tried it basically.

I need a better tailcap that the SW** I have on it now. While better than the stock MD* tailcap, I want one that doesn't roll. Something to match the heft of the light. All the tailcaps I want are sold out. Octa, Peta, Hexa, whatever.

I couldn't get MD4 to work with the unprotected cells and stock tailcap. Actually the stock MD4 clicky doesn't work with unprotected cells in any light with any module. It needs protected which are significantly longer. Especially when two of them.
I need a better tailcap that the SW** I have on it now. While better than the stock MD* tailcap, I want one that doesn't roll. Something to match the heft of the light. All the tailcaps I want are sold out. Octa, Peta, Hexa, whatever.
I use Oveready Triads on all my Malkoffs, anti-roll, and look and feel just right.
I think they may be back instock soon.
A few weeks ago, I tested my one stock Z41 on three MD2, one MD3, and one MD4. It worked fine in all instances. I do t know anything about the 6PX tail cap.

I also have at least three Triads on Malkoff bodies.
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So I ordered a SolarForce L2 host and 18650 extension for the M91W. Have a SolarForce 3P extension already. I like the tint but can't see myslef feeding it 3 primaries each time. Maybe run it on 18350 X 2 or 18650 x 2. Will probably have to buy a M31L for the G3 as Gene isn't making the LL anymore.
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