So over the last few weeks I have been getting a lot of crap from friends, family and co-workers about "why do you always carry a flashlight, you dont need it." Well last night was the night. I was at/in a wedding(not mine). IT was about 9pm, everyone was dancing, drinking and having a good time when all of the sudden, the power goes out.......... The entire place went black. All of the sudden from across the room I hear "RYAN, wheres your flashlight." I had all ready pulled the E1B from my back pocket. Lit up the large room enough for everyone to get a seat safely and wait (30) minutes for the power to go back on. I went over by the sheriff that was there and asked him where his light was, all he had was a cheap plastic 1D, $3 wal-mart special that was about 5 lumens......... It was a great "in your face" night!!!!!!