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The total awesomeness of the MAKAI


Nov 26, 2002
Old World
Hi boys and girls !

Just wanted to share some impressions of the upcoming MAKAI light and its total awesomeness :D :cool:


This thing is one of the most beautiful lights Don has ever crafted IMHO. It has that magic form factor that you just have to love and adore.


It oozes quality and style from every angle and opening. Despite the head being bigger than Don's recent offerings it does not look nor feel huge or uncomfortable in the hand. It is just right, perfect.

Here's a comparison with a few of Don's other lights so that you can get an impression of size:


Of course there are limitations for the bigger Makai head. Jeans pockets for example. :green: Having a Haiku, too, helps there.

It performs, too. Just like the beamshots already suggest. It throws and has a nice and powerful side spill. The spot is not a needle, fortunately, it has a generous corona which is good for the field of vision and usefulness of the whole package.
It outthrows the Haiku, of course. It also outthrows the SF E1B ... and the LX2. And I am talking the 1x123 Makai here :cool:

I am a happy camper :D :party:

Thanx old surfer dude ! :nana:


P.S.: anyone thinks that on the 2xAA pack ... it looks like something from Kubrick's 2001?


EDIT: beamshots:

OK, here are some quick'n'dirty beamshots that are a bit lacking, sorry.


Makai 660:

You can see the hotter spot of the Makai and the larger spot of the LX2 optic, that also gives a somewhat broader corona as seen in the brighter leaves in the foreground.
The eyes do also see more throw of the Makai but a littel more area coverage with the LX2 in the distance.

I was quite impressed seeing this performance on 1x123 :cool:
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I've never owned an actual McGizmo light, but since I like the SF E-series lights so much I've bought a lot of Aleph parts. Legoing SF parts is great... and then adding in the Aleph line makes the system so versital. What does this have to do with Don's new offering????

The A3 head is one of my favorites... and now there is a new Ti version:party: called the Makai:party::party: I need to find a way to come up with the funds to pick up a three speed version when they become available. Thank you Don for bringing a new larger sized head to the market for our enjoyment:thumbsup:... and thank you Bernie for your thoughts and pictures:D
1wrx7 ... this one is a 3-Speed, just like the Haiku. There is a version with a higher current and voltage buck driver in development that is the same except for more drive current and different battery requirements.
Thanks for sharing the awesomeness. I think I'll be tied to my PC tomorrow.

Oh, and you're reignited my Busse-whore juices, thanks a lot. I'd ALMOST broken myself of that habit.
Hey, when did this place become a Busse subsidiary? :D. Nice Bushwacker and Sar 3, Bernie. I also noticed your folder tastes have moved toward the XM-18. Your bank account is screwed, brother. ;)
It outthrows the LX2. And I am talking the 1x123 Makai here :cool:

That's impressive.
I'd like to see the beamshot of these two, if possible. :rolleyes:

Another question regarding 2x123 makai is that if it's for two primaries only, or is it ok with two rechargeables, too ?

Thanks for your wonderful pic's.
Now I can tell couple of very nice LS27 & LS20 together pic's are from you. :thumbsup:
That's impressive.
I'd like to see the beamshot of these two, if possible. :rolleyes:

Another question regarding 2x123 makai is that if it's for two primaries only, or is it ok with two rechargeables, too ?

Thanks for your wonderful pic's.
Now I can tell couple of very nice LS27 & LS20 together pic's are from you. :thumbsup:

Don has stated that the upper limit for the 3S buck converter will probably be around 10V. So 2xRCR123 should be fine (8.4V fully charged).

Nice write up and :kewlpics:.
You make me want one, but I think I'll wait for the 2 cylinder model. Of course this all depends on the finance's :sigh:.
First, Don with his lady friend, turtles and cristal clear snorkeling paradise shots.

Now Bernie with a Ti Makai before anyone else.

Life is unfair :candle:
OK, here are some quick'n'dirty beamshots that are a bit lacking, sorry.


Makai 660:

You can see the hotter spot of the Makai and the larger spot of the LX2 optic, that also gives a somewhat broader corona as seen in the brighter leaves in the foreground.
The eyes do also see more throw of the Makai but a littel more area coverage with the LX2 in the distance.

I was quite impressed seeing this performance on 1x123 :cool:

GatMan ... nope ... I am still resisting. I am a flashlight guy after all, knives are just some other evil I have to fight :D

Busse and McGizmo do share something IMHO. Purity of design, function over anything else and a quest for perfection as well as superior toughness and resistance. :cool:

Those are some impressive beamshots Keisling. Would you go so far as to say the tints are fairly the same? To me that looks accurate but it is hard to tell from pictures. :popcorn:

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