Theoretically, could someone here design new Fenix reflectors?


Dec 27, 2004
Thoeretically, could someone here design new Fenix reflectors?


With all the skilled people on this board, how possible would it be for someone to design and produce new after-market reflectors for Fenix lights? Maybe with different OP levels etc etc.

I know I would definately be in for some for my PxD CE lights!

Jus' wonderin' :)

Realistically, it can be done. But like everything in life it comes at a cost.

You fenix light cost like $30? maybe a little more. Now if you slap a $15 reflector on it with only minor improvement it's not that interesting anymore.

Prolly that's why no one have done it. It kinda defeat the purpose of purchasing an inexpensive light.
I really don't get the commotion about Fenix's smooth reflectors in their cree lights. Sure, the luxeon beam on their older light was nicer and ring free, maybe I was lucky with my L2D, but I can only tell the difference in beam quality between the cree and luxeon when shining at a white wall. Literally. And then the rings are just barely visible.

When in actual use, it's not noticable at all. I wouldn't even had thought about it if people here wouldnt had pointed out the rings of the first creed fenix(oh, how i remember the uproar). But maybe I was lucky and got a good one.

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