there are some Jokes

👆It's also worth stating- The woman never found a pair of pants she wanted.
But the man still had to carry the 15 boxes with different pairs of shoes she bought, that she promised she would not get before they went in.

Or in Skyrim:
Woman, 11 PM: "Honey, come to bed."
Man: "Just another 5 minutes!"
[Goes to bed 4 hours later]
Or she bought a pair, took them home, and then returned them. I have seen that happen many, many times in our house.
Is that before or after she asked you the following question:
"Does these make me look fat?"

Because that is a trick question! You are NOT supposed to answer that!
Just deflect if you can, or you'll need SERE training if you actually answered. Particularly the Survival part.
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"Do these pants make me look fat?


"Dad said It's not the pants, Mom."
Now that we have defeated Skynet, we have re-purposed all of the Terminator cyborgs. Here we see a Terminator helping a young, lazy woman to eat....