Thermal analysis of P-60 modules??? FAST HELP NEEDED


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece

I will be travelling to another city saturdayu afternoon (to leave my camera for service, so no tests for now) Si I wish toi learn what kind of temperatures I will be seeing in order to choose and buy a thermometer.

Above 120 deg C or below 100 deg C?

hi all,

how about starting a thread with contributions of thermal analysis of our P-60 modules? I will be making mine no matter what but anyone can chip in with info and photos.

the suggested route is to die the modules bodies and then insert them in the hosts and check contact area (by photographing the lost paint/dye).

Next I suggest running them for 2 minutes and the measuring the host temp at a predetermined spot, and then removing the modules and measuring the pill temp with a thermometer.

I do have some questions though...

Do you think that a thread will last long and be of interest?
What is the expected temp in the worst performing module? Over 120 degrees C?
Is teh 2 minute time enough?

all the best, Kostas
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Re: Thermal analysis of P-60 modules???

This is a great idea, but I think it would be best if one person did it rather than a bunch of people. And no, I'm not volunteering! ;) That way the measuring equipment, technique, and conditions would be stable across drop-ins. I love the idea about using paint/dye to reveal how much contact there is. Nice.
Re: Thermal analysis of P-60 modules???

Wouldn't the differing thermal properties of each host introduce variation? Unless you have a bunch of identical hosts.

How would you standardize the module removal procedure to alleviate cooling variation when the modules hit ambient air upon removal from the host?

IMHO a better test would be to set up a test fixture where you could interchange each module. Perhaps a bench-vise setup to gently clamp the modules up against an Aluminum plate with a hole cutout to simulate a flashlight body.

You'd have to use alligator clips to get power to the modules, but you could use an IR heat gun to easily shoot a temp reading that way too. And you could measure temps as the modules remain powered.

Cool project (no pun intended).:)

my .02
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Re: Thermal analysis of P-60 modules???

Wouldn't the differing thermal properties of each host introduce variation? Unless you have a bunch of identical hosts.

How would you standardize the module removal procedure to alleviate cooling variation when the modules hit ambient air upon removal from the host?

IMHO a better test would be to set up a test fixture where you could interchange each module. Perhaps a bench-vise setup to gently clamp the modules up against an Aluminum plate with a hole cutout to simulate a flashlight body.

You'd have to use alligator clips to get power to the modules, but you could use an IR heat gun to easily shoot a temp reading that way too. And you could measure temps as the modules remain powered.

Cool project (no pun intended).:)

my .02

Ahh so many points made.

Within the purpose is to test each module with various hosts (I have Huntlight FT-01, Ultrafire 501 & 502, Solarforce L-2 & Surefire C2. with Li-ion mostly.

But I cannot cover all the combinations and if we settle in the same procedure we can gather results taht by and large will be the same. (like putting the thermometer dirctly upon removal on the pill)

Sorry but I cannot make a fixture, and cannot buy a IR thermometer. And the fixture removes the host variance that at a point is not welcomed. Imagine a heat producing module that conducts heat away better than a cooler one)

Happy to hear your input, Kostas
How would you accurately measure the surface temperature of the pill using a thermometer? AFAIK thermometers are accurate/repeatable devices when measuring liquids and gasses, but not solids. I would think an IR thermometer or a thermocouple based setup would be a minimum requirement for any kind of measurement accuracy.

I don't mean to rain on your interest-check thread... so please don't take this too harshly... its just one guys opinion ;)