Thinking about buying a P3D, But..........


Mar 13, 2007
I read somewhere a new Q5 emmiter is comming out soon. Should I wait a little while before buying one? The Q5 sure does sound nice.
I hear the Q7 will be out a month after the Q5, the B13 and U237 will be right around the corner.

Seriously, if you wait till the rumored "next wonder" improvement after every new improvement, you could be waiting for a LONG time. Buy what suits , pleases and works for you :) dont worry about what MAY be coming. Just my opinion.
the q4-5 are out but it would be a while i think before fenix puts it in their lights as they just put q2 in what the rest of us do buy the p3d and then buy a q4 or 5 and swap emitters
I hear the Q7 will be out a month after the Q5, the B13 and U237 will be right around the corner.

Seriously, if you wait till the rumored "next wonder" improvement after every new improvement, you could be waiting for a LONG time. Buy what suits , pleases and works for you :) dont worry about what MAY be coming. Just my opinion.

where you hear about q7
Lol, sorry if I started a rumor with my sarcasm. Was just trying to make a point. Lol sorry.:crackup:
I hear the Q7 will be out a month after the Q5, the B13 and U237 will be right around the corner.

Seriously, if you wait till the rumored "next wonder" improvement after every new improvement, you could be waiting for a LONG time. Buy what suits , pleases and works for you :) dont worry about what MAY be coming. Just my opinion.

Exactly. We'll all die waiting for the 'next big thing'. Something better will always be in the pipeline. You have to live sometime.
Lol, sorry if I started a rumor with my sarcasm. Was just trying to make a point. Lol sorry.:crackup:

thank god now i dont have to worry about being obsolete for at least another day :twothumbs
the q4-5 are out but it would be a while i think before fenix puts it in their lights as they just put q2 in what the rest of us do buy the p3d and then buy a q4 or 5 and swap emitters

The Q2s into the Fenix were a special edition sponsored by David for the Fenix-Store only. He supplied the Q2s and it was a big project.

Like someone else said, just buy the reg P3D CE and upgrade the emitter yourself or pay someone $20 to do it.
Thanks guys. Im gonna go ahead and get the P3D with OP reflector. Is there even a worthwhile difference between the stock emmiter and a Q2 or Q5? If so how hard is it to swap? If its to hard i may have to send it to one of you flashlight
I've had my P3D for about a month now and love it.....Even if it is obsolete already. It's still bright as hell and gets EDC'd on my belt loop, and I don't see anything changing that any time soon. I also carry an L1D or P2D in the pocket of my cargo shorts, and an L0D CE on my key chain. Yes, I carry around 345 lumens worth of lights with me and I'm lovin' it.


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I'm sure this was posted somewhere before, but do you guys prefer the P2D or the P3D?

I'm thinking of picking one up, but would rather be able to use RCR123s. I know the P2D is not great with rechargables (and don't want to buy new 3.0V ones) so was thinking of getting a P3D. I would rather use single cell tho, so I guess getting a P2D body would work on the P3D...

Then again, we're hitting $80+, close to Novatac prices...
I'm sure this was posted somewhere before, but do you guys prefer the P2D or the P3D?

I would rather use single cell tho, so I guess getting a P2D body would work on the P3D...

I like them both for different reasons. The P3D for it's max brightness and run times, and the P2D for it's brightness and being so compact.

Also, the P3D head will not work on the P2D body. The P3D is a 6volt head, and the P2D is a 3volt head. One cr123a battery will not drive the P3D.
Tis true, but I read that a RCR123 (or 17670) can run a P3D. I believe Bigbeam has some runtimes with that setup.

Could work, again, for the money I'm unsure...
I like them both for different reasons. The P3D for it's max brightness and run times, and the P2D for it's brightness and being so compact.

Also, the P3D head will not work on the P2D body. The P3D is a 6volt head, and the P2D is a 3volt head. One cr123a battery will not drive the P3D.
You can use a RCR123(4.2v fully charged) all modes will work till the voltage drops to ~3.2V. At that point you lose turbo, but all other modes still work. Gunga if you want a P3D with a 1 battery solution use a 17670, very long runtimes.
Thanks for the tip. Sheesh, I keep trying not to buy more Li-on batteries!

I've heard the AW 17670s don't fit well in a P3D. ANyone know if the new silver/grey Ultrafire protected 17670s fit?

Ugh... trying not to buy more batteries...

Then how come the P3D head will not work at all on the L2D body with 2 brand new E2 Lithiums in it? I tried it, but no go...

You can use a RCR123(4.2v fully charged) all modes will work till the voltage drops to ~3.2V. At that point you lose turbo, but all other modes still work. Gunga if you want a P3D with a 1 battery solution use a 17670, very long runtimes.
I know the blue unprotected fit(it does in mine) . Unless you are running the light on low you should see the low voltage warning (strobing) before the battery is discharged to low(below~2.75v). With a 1 battery solution the low battery strobe is actually helpful:eek:. Here's a link for the battery:
Then how come the P3D head will not work at all on the L2D body with 2 brand new E2 Lithiums in it? I tried it, but no go...
Was it in turbo mode, a fully charged 17670 or RCR123 is 4.2v. At best 2 E2's would be around 3.5v unloaded. Do you know what the voltage the E2's where unloaded. I guess if your LED has a high Vf(>3.5v) it might not power up in turbo(I'm taking an educated guess). I've powered mine up fine with a 17670, as a matter of fact I couldn't tell the difference in brightness using a 17670(4.2v) vs 2 RCR123's(8.4).
I hear the Q7 will be out a month after the Q5, the B13 and U237 will be right around the corner.

Seriously, if you wait till the rumored "next wonder" improvement after every new improvement, you could be waiting for a LONG time. Buy what suits , pleases and works for you :) dont worry about what MAY be coming. Just my opinion.

Did you hear about the
new 0U812 coming out in the fall :crackup: :laughing: :hahaha: Just keep saying it, till you get it. :ohgeez:

Ok Seriously, I have a P2 and P3 a like them both I found I like the P3 more because of the run time.
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