Thor 15MCP arrived....details and HID mod!


Jan 14, 2005
Hi everyone,

I just received my new yellow 15mcp Thor from They are calling it the Thor Platinum on the box. Anyway within about two minutes of the box arriving, I had the light completely apart on my desk. Some interesting details:

- The bulb is in fact a Philips 130/100w bulb.

- Also as I had guessed, this is a standard stock Thor body with just a big extension stuck on the front to hold the larger reflector. This means you can simply take the extension and reflector off the ugly yellow body and stick them right on a black Thor body if you have one handy. I just did exactly this and it took a couple of minutes at most.

By tonight or tomorrow I should have this light modded into a GIANT black 50w HID light. Whoohoo!

Re: [b] Thor 15MCP arrived....details and HID mod![/b]

Charles, how much tighter is the beam compared to the 10MPC Thor ? Larry.
Re: [b] Thor 15MCP arrived....details and HID mod![/b]


I no longer have a 10mcp to do a side by side test with (just had the spare case). From briefly shining it on the wall before disassembly it looked like a very tight and small hotspot. Seemed much tighter than I remember the 10mcp being, but I know that is pretty subjective. Hopefully all the other people who ordered them will have them today or tomorrow as well, so perhaps someone can do a side by side comparison. I'd love to see one myself.

I now have an extra Philips 130/100w bulb if anyone wants it. I suppose it might work ok in a stock 10mcp Thor, so just send me a private message if interested.
Re: [b] Thor 15MCP arrived....details and HID mod![/b]

p.s. The new reflector obviously has a much larger diameter than the 10mcp one, necessitating the big plastic extension. It is not however particularly deep, so there is a TON of space behind it. Much more than in the 10mcp version. Looks like a good five inches of free space from the back of the bulb to the battery compartment. Had they not chosen to use the same body as the 10mcp this light could have easily been made much shorter. I am not complaining though since it means you could fit a wider range of ballasts in this thing.

Re: [b] Thor 15MCP arrived....details and HID mod![/b]

Oh man, this is exciting!!!!!! Can't wait lotsalumens!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif
OK here is what I believe may be the first 15mcp Thor HID mod!

Inside is an Auerswald 50/35 ballast and an overdriven 35w 4,900k bulb. The original body was yellow, so I swopped it for a spare black body that I had from a 10mcp Thor (same body, same battery). It is also using one of Theepdinker's custom bulb spacer rings which works perfectly.

I must say it is incredibly bright and well focused. It projects a very tight and blinding little spot. I have never tried doing beamshots but I will see if I can get one or two tonight to post. Here are some photos of the light:




It's....It's....It's ALIVE!!!!!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

Great job! I await any beamshots!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I thought the 10mcp was big but this thing is freakish. My wife had a look of stunned disbelief when I first unpacked it!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif Beamshots /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif
very kool I can not wait for the beam shots.

look's like I was wrong about the reflector fitting
the 10 mcp body - sorry.

I will paint mine any way with gloss black krylon plastic fusion paint.

if it looks bad for some reason - costco can sell me a
new body.

sounds like there will be no problem mounting even large ballasts inside the 15 mcp thor.
is the 15 mcp thor's 11 inch reflector as deep relative to it's diameter
as the 10 mcp thor's 7 inch reflector ?

do you think it will out throw a maxa beam ?

The reflector is somewhere around 3.5-4" deep. It seems pretty shallow for its size. I should have measured it when I had the lamp taken apart.

Regarding the Maxabeam comparison, I have never used one so I can't really say. My guess would be no. I gather the Maxabeam has a very nice precision reflector, and combined with the higher wattage and more intensly focused short arc I would expect it to throw further.


Living in the middle of NYC makes beamshots a little tricky. It doesn't help that we are in a modern building where you can't open the windows wide enough to stick out a flashlight or even a camera. Everything has to go through the glass, and there is also a bit of a blizzard going on here tonight so the windows are all covered with water droplets. Anyway I did what I could. To avoid upsetting anyone I let the light warm up (these ballasts take about 20-30sec) and then shone it out the window for at most 4-5 seconds. Just enough to shoot the photo. I was aiming for that second water tank. I don't know the exact distance but based on a high res map it appears to be at least 240 yards and possibly a bit more. No doubt it would have been better had the snow not been obscuring some of the beam, but I must say it's not bad. Not bad at all!



Beautiful beam shots. Very tight. I think it would give the Maxabeam a run for it's money. It's a very large reflector, although maybe a bit less precise.
I think the 10 mcp thor's reflector is 3 to 4 inches deep

so I wonder how much of an improvement the larger reflector really is
Nice beam shot considering your conditions and the true range may surprise you, I tried out a 440 yard laser range finder on some of the targets I use and my guesses came up way short /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Kelly high res map
On another note what this all about.I went there and did not see any high res stuff...