Thoughts on BOXER -24W / 168R HID Flashlight?


Feb 9, 2007
SE Michigan
This would be my first HID light and I'm thinking the Boxer might be the way to go. I am into the high lumen output, long runtime, long throw, the physical length of light, etc.

Is the beam adjustable? Is this a high quality light for an HID? Are there better options out there?

Please school me on this kind of light and what I should be looking for, if i haven't already found it.

Thanks very much in advance!
Hi Gordov2,

You are in luck.
I have just posted my 2nd beamshot shootout.
Both contain the Boxer 24W HID.

Honestly, the Boxer is great. I love it. As for long runtime... well you get 60 mins per battery mag. It is a very high quality light and about the same size as a 2D mag. See pics for other comparisons.

The beam is adjustable and the reflector is OP which helps smmoth it a little. I recommend it as a great 1st Small HID.

Hi Gordov2,

You are in luck.
I have just posted my 2nd beamshot shootout.
Both contain the Boxer 24W HID.

Honestly, the Boxer is great. I love it. As for long runtime... well you get 60 mins per battery mag. It is a very high quality light and about the same size as a 2D mag. See pics for other comparisons.

The beam is adjustable and the reflector is OP which helps smmoth it a little. I recommend it as a great 1st Small HID.


Thanks so much! Is the brightness in any way adjustable?

No, HID's aren't adjustable in output without changing ballasts etc.
Once they warm up, that's what you've got.

However... There is a recent thread on the new Wolf-Eyes Shark the has 2 modes - 10W and 24W.


Again, thanks so much! Those beam shots were amazing! The Boxer is out of this world!!!! Now when you turn on the Boxer, is there any warm up time before you actually get light?

Do you think this would make a good LEO's tactical light. And also, what is the best holster for the Boxer and where would one find it??
Yep, full power at about 30 secs.
Not really tactical as you can't flash it on and off.
Wolf Eyes make holsters, I haven't got one so I'm not sure. Mike at PTS has them on his website.
I also got my Boxer 24w from Mike and i am extremely pleased with it.
Great value for money.
Unbelievable ammount of light from such a small package.
Batteries easy to find, recharge and replace.
Great built quality.
I can light up a target as far as i can clearly see with naked eye (700m to 1000m).
I got mine with the holster and i cannot stress enough the importance of getting it. It's my most expencive light and i never transport it without the holster.

And being a flashaholic it just puts a big smile on my face every time i light it up :D
Got a new Boxer OTW here as I type this.Recently the boxer got a small update : Revised reflect area and better/ wider focus range.

I will do a mini review Friday or so.

Grabbed it from Mike over at PTS. Can't beat that CPF discount and top notch service.
Hi guys,
Thanks for all the kind words! :)
The 24W Boxer Fastcar is waiting on is one of the new improved units with a much faster start up time, about 15 seconds.

We have had them for about a month now so if you bought one recently it's probably the new improved virsion.
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Hi Gordov2, i wanna buy a Boxer 24 to before mid of august, but when is the newer version of the Boxer will be out ?

(I apologize for my english, i post from France)
I guess I use my Boxer 24 W as a "tactical light" for law enforcement, but. . .

because it takes a while to warm up, you have to carry another light in addition to the HID in case you need light instantly and can't wait for it--law enforcement officers on evening shifts should carry two flashlights anyway. Usually, the warmup isn't a problem for me. This thing is so bright, nothing compares. I lit up a "spotter" the other night at 30-40 yards. He had something in his hand. Near hard cover, I asked him what the item was. He held up his cell phone. With a dimmer light, I wouldn't be able to see or identify that and the massive amount of white light on the target makes seeing me difficult at best.
This is Nicole. I am Davids much better half.Was just walking the new puppy and found a 1ct diamond stud.This new small thing has mucho light.

Like the T5 the new Boxer is M I N E !
I want to join up but david says no girls post here :(

Nikki :kiss:
Welcome Nicole.

I think you will be most welcome here:twothumbs
Perhaps a shot of you with the new Boxer can be your 1st photo post...
Have fun.

Is this new version fully regulated like the Shark 10W/24W is? I remember seeing a runtime graph of the Boxer24W a while back which showed it decreased 30% over the life of the battery, so I was hoping that had been changed...:whistle:

Nevermind, my question was answered in another thread... according to several sources, it IS fully regulated.
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Tested my new boxer in my box, varied less then 3% + or - over an hour.It is regulated for sure.Old and new AE light ( IMO) is way 2 throwy..not to mention you cant adjust it like the boxer like a M*g light.
I really like this thing.Glad (PTS) mike told me about it :thumbsup:

Worth every penny IMO.

Might be the best lumens per size ever.