Time to upgrade my EDC yet?


Mar 10, 2006
Georgia (USA)
My pocket EDC is a Fenix P3D-CE. I believe it pre-dates the Q5 edition. I have had it for awhile. I also keychain carry a P1D-Q5 as a backup.

I've been out of the loop on flashlights for awhile now, mostly so that I wouldn't spend more money. If you dont know what you are missing it is that much easier. However, the Quark CR123x2 is looking awfully nice.

The question is, how much of a difference will there be between the P3D-CE and the Quark? I would probably get the tactical, so the programmable interface would be nice. Max as primary and whatever else as secondary. I do not even recall the lumen rating of my P3D, though. I know the quarks are rated out the front, which Fenix is not, but I'm pretty sure that my P3D was rated at 160 or less where the Quark is 230. Is that right?

How about throw? I know neither one will throw very well, that is the price I pay for something that is narrow and fits the pocket well, but I have to ask....any noticeable difference?

Any other lights I should be checking out?
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I had a PD30 with a Q5, sold it... As for the Quark 123-2, I've got a neutral white and an XP-G.

It could be that the Quark XP-G has a little less throw than the P3D, its beam is quite floody with a huge hotspot and though is very usable. I love the XP-G LED for its beam, no rings, quite flawless, very bright, huge hotspot, nice spill. If you're lucky you get a tint you can call pure white, if not it's slightly greenish, but still very white.

There surely are other good lights in that class, to my gusto the Quark 123-2 is the best choice however. You're right with the Lumens, 230 OTF for the Quark. The difference of the R2 to the XP-G R5 is mainly the bigger hotspot and the floodier beam.