Tips on Soldering 1/2W LED


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2009
Tiffin, Ohio
I am replacing the led's in my Cars instrument panel and I am using new led's found here. My concern is with overheating the new led's when soldering them. The instrument panel is a one sided PCB with no through holes so the led's are surface mounted I can use a de-soldering tool to remove the old ones. Max thermal resistance is 140C and max operating temp is +85C (185F) my soldering iron is a Bluepoint Butane powered iron. The de-soldering iron will be a cheapy from radio shack not sure on the wattage.
Hmmmmm why use 1/2 watt LEDs in the cluster? Won't it be too bright? AFAIK they generally come with wimpy grain-of-sand incans, or maybe some 5mm LEDs. High powered LEDs will probably be too much unless it's set up to spread out the light like crazy and you're only using a couple of them to light up the entire cluster.