Hi Guys,
I've read plenty of threads, saw tens of beamshots, asked many questions but still cannot decide what light should I get. I'm posting this thread here, as this is the choice between incan and led light; so difficult nowadays :thinking:
At the moment I'm on 50/50 stage to make the final decision, there are many pros and cons. Let me share with you with all my doubts here.
Surefire M6
- smaller size then tactical 2000
- prooved build quality (the light is on the market for a few years by now, besides SF quality dos not to be proved in any way)
- narrower beam (as far as I can tell from the beamshots; it's an advantage to me in some way)
- warmer beam colour, more natural
- it's an incan light, so the beam is more "juicy" that led light
- nice upgrades / extras (ie military style lens cover or wahtever you want from SF site)
- plenty of mods (bulbs, battery packs, etc)
- need to invest in some charger / battery pack and then babysitting them not to go flat / discharged / overcharged etc
- need to invest in better bulb (there is no "need" really, but I'd like to have all the best I can suck from this light
- eventual possibilities of replacing the bulb/s in the future
- lack of different output modes (which is obvious for the incans, anyway)
- as this model is quite old now there is possiblity of lack of interest in it anymore (no more mods, developments, improvements). I consider this light to serve for me for around 5 years if no longer, untill I start to look for something new then.
Wiseled Tactical 2000
- art of work design, very durable, water resistant (dunkable, suitable even for divers), bla, bla (that's what I know from reviews and their internet site)
- led light, very long lasting with different output modes
- no need to worry about led life
- battery pack included, as well as the charger (with all that luminous gadgets - charged, discharged, tail light)
- programmable output modes
- you don't really know how it'll behave in the future as this is quite new light on the market
- maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I cannot convince myself to leds (or normal bulb, whatever) without reflector. I am imagining, that the spill will be enormous and this is not what I really need.
- the cost of gadgets included. How much less would it cost without build-in battery pack, the charger, all those shining charging / tail cap lights, waterproofness, which I don't really need? I'm just trying to convert the real $ per lumen cost comparing to SF M6. SF seems to be quite simple considering construction itself, but it gives similar "amount" of light. As for the WL - how much more do we need to pay for the things useless in real life? I know, that some of you will give me the counter argument of saying, that I've already made an assumption of giving the SF additional battery pack and spare bulbs, but the point here is the price for the unit itself. I'm just trying to estimate the light value as it is. When one light comes packed with the golden case and it's cost is 10000$ and the other comes in the cartoon box and produces similar performance it doesn't mean that the more expensive one is better. Hope you get my point. After all is the output we're all after. As for the SF one may buy additional mods / battery packs and chargers, but does not have to, that light will still be as advertised. However considering the WL - we don't have a choice. All is already included.
- the spill. Somehow I'm afraid of it. I don't need tons of spill, I would rather have balanced maount of spill and throw. Imagine narrow road with houses on both sides of it, and you need to illuminate the far end of the road without making the early awake for you neighbours. Big spill is not an option here, so the thrower, as you still need to have the road illuminated at the decent way.
Well, I think that's it
I know, it's a long post, but, the thing is serious to me, as I'm gonna spend a lot of money for the light I'm gonna keep for the next few years and it need to be THAT light.
Thanks a lot in advance for all your help and please give me your opinions, what do you think?
I've read plenty of threads, saw tens of beamshots, asked many questions but still cannot decide what light should I get. I'm posting this thread here, as this is the choice between incan and led light; so difficult nowadays :thinking:
At the moment I'm on 50/50 stage to make the final decision, there are many pros and cons. Let me share with you with all my doubts here.
Surefire M6
- smaller size then tactical 2000
- prooved build quality (the light is on the market for a few years by now, besides SF quality dos not to be proved in any way)
- narrower beam (as far as I can tell from the beamshots; it's an advantage to me in some way)
- warmer beam colour, more natural
- it's an incan light, so the beam is more "juicy" that led light
- nice upgrades / extras (ie military style lens cover or wahtever you want from SF site)
- plenty of mods (bulbs, battery packs, etc)
- need to invest in some charger / battery pack and then babysitting them not to go flat / discharged / overcharged etc
- need to invest in better bulb (there is no "need" really, but I'd like to have all the best I can suck from this light
- eventual possibilities of replacing the bulb/s in the future
- lack of different output modes (which is obvious for the incans, anyway)
- as this model is quite old now there is possiblity of lack of interest in it anymore (no more mods, developments, improvements). I consider this light to serve for me for around 5 years if no longer, untill I start to look for something new then.
Wiseled Tactical 2000
- art of work design, very durable, water resistant (dunkable, suitable even for divers), bla, bla (that's what I know from reviews and their internet site)
- led light, very long lasting with different output modes
- no need to worry about led life
- battery pack included, as well as the charger (with all that luminous gadgets - charged, discharged, tail light)
- programmable output modes
- you don't really know how it'll behave in the future as this is quite new light on the market
- maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I cannot convince myself to leds (or normal bulb, whatever) without reflector. I am imagining, that the spill will be enormous and this is not what I really need.
- the cost of gadgets included. How much less would it cost without build-in battery pack, the charger, all those shining charging / tail cap lights, waterproofness, which I don't really need? I'm just trying to convert the real $ per lumen cost comparing to SF M6. SF seems to be quite simple considering construction itself, but it gives similar "amount" of light. As for the WL - how much more do we need to pay for the things useless in real life? I know, that some of you will give me the counter argument of saying, that I've already made an assumption of giving the SF additional battery pack and spare bulbs, but the point here is the price for the unit itself. I'm just trying to estimate the light value as it is. When one light comes packed with the golden case and it's cost is 10000$ and the other comes in the cartoon box and produces similar performance it doesn't mean that the more expensive one is better. Hope you get my point. After all is the output we're all after. As for the SF one may buy additional mods / battery packs and chargers, but does not have to, that light will still be as advertised. However considering the WL - we don't have a choice. All is already included.
- the spill. Somehow I'm afraid of it. I don't need tons of spill, I would rather have balanced maount of spill and throw. Imagine narrow road with houses on both sides of it, and you need to illuminate the far end of the road without making the early awake for you neighbours. Big spill is not an option here, so the thrower, as you still need to have the road illuminated at the decent way.
Well, I think that's it
Thanks a lot in advance for all your help and please give me your opinions, what do you think?