Traveling to New Zealand?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2008
Looks like I'm going to New Zealand end of this year/early next year and will be stay there for a while. Does anyone know what's the price of 123a battery like over there? Just thinking if I should bring a few with me or buy them there. Also will there be any problems bringing a multitool and folding knife with me? I heard the law there is pretty strict, and cop can arrest people for having a screwdriver if he wanted.
Don't know the laws there, but if you think the price for 123's is going to be bad, bring a bunch so you don't have to worry about it. besides, they have a 10 year shelf life, so you can use them now or later.
Hi vovw...I don't know about NZ but they are very expensive in Australia. My suggestion is go there and find out. If they are >$1.50US buy them from four7's or battery junction (as I do). Great prices and excellent delivery.
The cheapest I have found them from a NZ supplier is around the $6 to $8 mark.

With Multitools you shouldn't have any problems as they are widely available here. Just don't do anything stupid with it.

As for a folding knife here is the "Offical" word on carrying knifes - NZ Police Website

The reality is that there are a large number of knifes carried by good law abiding citizens. They & myself included have had no problems doing so.

The best way to carry is to do so discreetly i.e. no huge rambo knife on your belt, that would get you a nice set of shiny steel bracelets.

I carry a Spyderco Pelican SS IWB and have had no problems even though I haven't covered it.

Sorry about the tone of this post I couldn't think of another way to explain it.
Thanks. I don't use flashlights that often, will only go through a couple of batteries a year so I may just bring a few with me.About carrying knives/multitools, would clipped to pocket cause any problems? Some say that pocket clips gather attention from police and can cause unnecessary trouble.
Thanks. I'll just drop them down in my pocket and avoid any potential problems.

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