Trouble in thruniteville


Newly Enlightened
Apr 9, 2021
So I've had the thrunite tc15 for about a year now and always wondered if the higher rated cells for 18650s worked in this light. Earlier today I purchased some cells from batteries and bulbs rated at 3400mah, was actually 3350after checking under the plastic, and it worked in the three basic low-high modes. Turbo however results in a flash and the light becomes unresponsive. I do. Ot know why or what to do. Any recommendations?
What is the maximum current rating of that battery (not capacity, current)? I'm guessing it would need to be an IMR type, high-current battery, or else you'll get that sort of behavior from the light.
Yes That light comes with a IMR battery. That's probably what it needs to work properly.
What is the maximum current rating of that battery (not capacity, current)? I'm guessing it would need to be an IMR type, high-current battery, or else you'll get that sort of behavior from the light.
it's voltage is 3.6v do not know the amperage
That particular light pulls enough amps on high to trip most, if not all battery protection circuits. You need an unprotected IMR or INR cell.
That particular light pulls enough amps on high to trip most, if not all battery protection circuits. You need an unprotected IMR or INR cell.

So I should invest in unprotected cells? Any recommendations for reliable ones?
Woow this thread is so appropriate, I just purchased a Thrunite BSS V4, came with a WOWTAC 3100MAH 18650 battery,
I just purchased a Nitecore a NL1837 3400MAH and it does the same has above works fine until in all modes but once I access Turbo mode it shut the UI down. So what actually caused this behavior? I'm trying to understand what type of 18650 battery I need to
purchase has backup?
So I should invest in unprotected cells?

No, you should not invest in unprotected flat top cells, you should use the specially made Thrunite IMR Protected Buttontop battery.

zeroair said:
Here's the included cell. It's a protected button top, with a Thrunite branded wrapper.

the Thrunite wrapper is a little transparent…. it's possible to make out the "30Q" text on the original (flat top, unprotected) cell's wrapper.
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No, you should not invest in unprotected flat top cells, you should use the specially made Thrunite IMR Protected Buttontop battery.
Yes that's probably the best option, I did see where there are some other brands of IMR 18650 batteries that are Protected.
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What is the maximum current rating of that battery (not capacity, current)? I'm guessing it would need to be an IMR type, high-current battery, or else you'll get that sort of behavior from the light.

Exactly. The current limit on the cell is tripping out.

If you want to use a protected cell it must be set as high as the light's highest power mode needs.

You can use an unprotected cell and it won't trip out. Still the cell must be optimized (internal impedance) to supply the current the cell will have to supply. Otherwise the highest modes will not run full brightness, too much voltage lost in the cell.

Note that high amperage cells (low impedance) will always have lower capacities. You have room for electrodes or electrolyte. You need to make room for bigger conductors when going high amps so there is less room for capacity.