Hey y'all. I had a Spyderco Paramilitary, which I loved and lost. I am in the market for a new knife. Mainly for EDC. I am trying to decide if I should get another Paramilitary or maybe try the Benchmade Osborne or Griptilian?
I just took a look at those. I do not care for the clip or the overall appearance versus the manix2 or Paramilitry. I would maybe change my mind if I saw one in person. it stinks that the only knife around here closed down and that I have to shop online like this. I would have bought online anyway but there is something about going to a brick and mortar store to actually holding a product.
Why take a risk? The Paramilitary is a loved knife by many... solid, durable, and most importantly... cheap! I saw one today on the CPF Marketplace for $90 LNIB and it is still there!