Trying to find the awesome SPY Tri-V flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Nov 29, 2008
I read a thread here a while back about a VERY expensive pocket flashlight that had 4 different LEDs for differeent modes. The light was supposed to be selling for around $2000 on sale. It had a silver body and I distinctly remember an output pic showing a forest of trees across a highway. The thread on it was several pages long, but i can't seem to find it.

anyone point me in the right direction?

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Re: Trying to find this awesome LED flashlight

The Spy Tri V is indeed the light you are seeking. CPF member Data designed them and they are hand built in Pennsylvania from titanium. He also builds the Spy 007 from titanium and has built the Spy 005. He's a great guy.
Search CPF and find the thread about the treehouse he's built to see a good example of how he loves to design really cool stuff.
Re: Trying to find this awesome LED flashlight

CPF member Data is also the 'owner' / moderator of the Cool Fall forum here under the "Custom & Modified Flashlight" > "CPF Custom Flashlight Builders & Modders" forum.

Here is the link to the treehouse thread.

My favorite led light EVER is his Data Bank 70. At one CPF get together in Califon NJ he had a couple attendees help him finish putting the lenses and bezels on this awsome light. I got there soon after they finished. It was so amazing when he turned it on. 70 of the highest bin emitters [at that time] with aspheric lenses. You could feel the heat from across the room when the beam hit you! The thing throws like no other led light, it compares to throw to the military tank arc-light, yet it is easily portable.
Re: Trying to find this awesome LED flashlight

Wow, that Spy light is deserving of a lead role in some soon-to-be filmed futuristic movie! Impressive!
Re: Trying to find this awesome LED flashlight

Wow... this thing is awesome :faint:
and way out of my reach unfortunately
My favorite led light EVER is his Data Bank 70. At one CPF get together in Califon NJ he had a couple attendees help him finish putting the lenses and bezels on this awsome light. I got there soon after they finished. It was so amazing when he turned it on. 70 of the highest bin emitters [at that time] with aspheric lenses. You could feel the heat from across the room when the beam hit you! The thing throws like no other led light, it compares to throw to the military tank arc-light, yet it is easily portable.
I have :bow: the Data Bank 70 ever since I first saw that thread back when I first joined - nothing else is like it, to say the least. I would have loved to have seen it in person.

radioflyer97, I have taken the liberty of changing your thread title slightly (for descriptive purposes), if that's OK? :grin2:
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