Tweeking the "55W" Ballast to get an extra 18W @ Bulb


May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
do you think the bulbs would really go :poof: or just stop working?

i cant use fat boys on my vt, as there too long. the cheap h7 bulbs are already very close to the ballast. But ive stocked up on 4300K bulbs.


EDIT:morepower, when you posted...

what was the total lux? And does anyone think they can work the estimated bulb lumens of 60w output overdriven?

thanks. :thumbsup:

You are really testing my memory here Flash, which is not good at the best of times. What I do remember is the Lux readings were taken at a distance of ~150mm from the bare bulb and the readings were in the 200,000 range. As far as the cheap bulbs blowing up, from what I've read the more you overdrive a bulb the higher the pressure is in the arc chamber. And I do remember someone saying they had one blow up on them. Hopefully someone more knowledgable will chime in and give some more info on this. I just know I'm not prepared to take the risk, and I think someone said you get more Lumens from the Fatboy ???



May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I found a way to get even more power from these ballasts, 91.44W !!! The lowest setting on the pot now is 60W:twothumbs Input was 11.8A @ 11.1V. But so far it is not sustainable, it will run at that power level for about 6mins after which the square waves are no longer square. I don't know this for a fact, it is purely a guess based on the sound the ballast makes, at the 6min mark it starts to sound a bit off(dirty power ?). I've had no prior experience with ballasts of any type before this(I didn't even know what they did except that fluro's had them) but I did use to build HI-FI power amps as a hobby. If this was an amp I'd say it was starting to "clip" as I don't think the step-up transformer can supply enough power. If it wasn't a constant load I could just add more capacitance. I'm also wondering if some of the tracks on the PCB are big enough now. Does anyone have any idea what too hot is for a transformer ? I've seen some specs that vary wildly, from 65C(max) to 225C(max). Any help, ideas, thoughts, theories or flat out guesses would be much appreciated. Something is falling over I just don't know what yet.
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May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I've had a bit of time(first day off in 2 weeks) to play with the ballast's further. I have just cracked the 100W mark, 105.2W to be exact. It is still capable of more, when I gave the pot a quick spin to the highest setting I saw 12.7A @ 14.8V input, but quickly turned it back down. At 105W the input power is 14.8V @ 10A. I havn't done any run times at this power level but I have gotten 40mins, so far, runtime at ~92W by beefing up(jumping with heavy wire or thickening them with solder) some of the higher current tracks on the PCB. By doing this I was able to lower the temp. of the AC step up transformer, because one of the tracks that run under the trans. was heating up. Also I wired the transformer from the ballast I blew up in parallel with the existing trans. and got it to run cooler again. I solved the distortion problem which was as simple as increasing the input voltage from 11.1V to 14.8V:D. I like easy fixes. The circuit was just suffering from too low a voltage. The ballast pictured below, that I'm getting 105W out of, hasn't had the transformer mod yet, but I used some newer FETS with even higher current and voltage capabilities. The light being produced at this power level is totally insane !!! The pic is not even close to doing it justice(camera set to auto).

Newest Modded Ballast(105W)


First Ballast with Transformer Mod.(92W)


First Ballast with Transformer Mod.(92W)




Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
good lord man, can you plz make this for my Ti Mega, :naughty::naughty::naughty:

that would be insane.

I pay anything dude:laughing:


May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
HOLY CRAP !!!!! I made a mistake when I said I saw 12.7A when turning the pot up and back down quickly. After running it a bit more I turned the pot up slower and saw 20.7A !!! However at that level the nice, crisp tone of the ballast turned into something that can only be described as severe static. The light output was crazy. I was using a new 4300K bulb, one of the one's that came with the kit. I didn't want to risk my new Fatboys. I've got to say for cheap ballasts these are very robust. I'm very impressed so far, I will definately be ordering and building more of these for a few future projects I have in mind. Now I'm wondering whether the Fatboys are going to last.


May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
good lord man, can you plz make this for my Ti Mega, :naughty::naughty::naughty:

that would be insane.

I pay anything dude:laughing:

You must have just snuck that post in before me. If I get time I will build one for you, but I have no idea when due to the lack of time I have to play at this time of year.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
fair enough,

I just go nuts over 90+w HID in my Ti Mega. Think of the godly throw? :eek:

Morepower this Monday or Tuesday ill send you that housing.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 25, 2008
Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada
I have been following this thread for some time now, and I love the work you have been doing on the ballasts.

I am now looking into duplicating your work on some of my ballasts and get my twin vector to another level.

I think what would help is a summary of each mod and its benefit and or cons and perhaps any insight or thoughts on specific mod. I will try to put a list together just let me know if I miss anything

  • Turn the pot up: Extra 8.8W
  • .5W 1.19K resistor soldered to jump pot: 15.09 W with pot turned up
  • Jumping resistor bank with resistors: Increases startup current
  • External pot: control pot resistance outside the ballast
  • External Heat Sink: Help cool the FETs
  • Jump 3-4 .10 Ohm resistors to the resistor bank : prevent the existing resistors from getting too hot
  • Beef up high current tracks on PCB
  • Wire transformer in parallel with existing trans: cool trans down
  • Increase input voltage: Solves distortion problem
Let me know what I am missing or any thoughts on which combination of mods you are using on the current testbed. Are all of the mods being used at once right now ? Or are some of these dated and you would not recommend some of the earlier ones ?

Love the mod(s).


May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I have been following this thread for some time now, and I love the work you have been doing on the ballasts.

I am now looking into duplicating your work on some of my ballasts and get my twin vector to another level.

I think what would help is a summary of each mod and its benefit and or cons and perhaps any insight or thoughts on specific mod. I will try to put a list together just let me know if I miss anything

· Turn the pot up: Extra 8.8W
· .5W 1.19K resistor soldered to jump pot: 15.09 W with pot turned up
· Jumping resistor bank with resistors: Increases startup current
· External pot: control pot resistance outside the ballast
· External Heat Sink: Help cool the FETs
· Jump 3-4 .10 Ohm resistors to the resistor bank : prevent the existing resistors from getting too hot
· Beef up high current tracks on PCB
· Wire transformer in parallel with existing trans: cool trans down
· Increase input voltage: Solves distortion problem
Let me know what I am missing or any thoughts on which combination of mods you are using on the current testbed. Are all of the mods being used at once right now ? Or are some of these dated and you would not recommend some of the earlier ones ?

Love the mod(s).

Hey Charon, you've pretty much got it down pat. And I'm glad someone is going to have a go, however I just hope you have the ballasts already as they seem to have changed them a little from the one's pictured in my post. Instead of having the other 4 FETS they now use a "stepping IC", and at this stage I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. Also for now I wouldn't recommend going over 90-95W as I have damaged a two of the three ballasts I have modded by pushing them up to 190+W. Of course I am not surprised by that but the surprising thing was the damage didn't show up untill a couple of hours use later. There are a few other things you need to know that I havn't put up yet so when I get a chance(I'm really busy from now till Febuary) I'll add some more pics and explanation.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
Morepower just a quick question, these ballasts appear to be of a higher standard than those I encounter in Chinese HID kits... have you had to remove any thermal (rubbery/silicone) compound to conduct these modifications OR are the ballasts you choose simply laid out in a manner suitable for such tinkering?

I must say the ability to vary the output (and ultimately runtime) is more than appealing!
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May 8, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Morepower just a quick question, these ballasts appear to be of a higher standard than those I encounter in Chinese HID kits... have you had to remove any thermal (rubbery/silicone) compound to conduct these modifications OR are the ballasts you choose simply laid out in a manner suitable for such tinkering?

I must say the ability to vary the output (and ultimately runtime) is more than appealing!

The ones I buy do have potting mix but not much so the mods can be made without removing much, if any. I'm just starting to play around with the newer style ballasts from "HID World". So far I got 117W to the bulb but I doubt very much that will be sustainable at this point. I will be shooting for ~90W and see if it can be sustained. I'm also going to try actively cool them with a little 40mm fan. I'm hoping to have one up and running before our fishing trip 1-6-09. Just by turning up the pot you can get an extra 8-10W to the bulb.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 30, 2008
Ok the modding of the resistor bank with resistors:= Increases startup current

Did this result in a fast start up ,kind like the stanley ??

i want to mod a ballast ,not for more power ,only for faster start up

ok ok maybe later i HAVE to try for more power :whistle:


Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2009
Bielefeld Germany

My first posting with some content. ;)

Please excuse my bad englisch,sorry.

I want to add this in this tread because is more or less the same ballast i think.

I also look to mod my HID Ballast to more power.

There are some things they look like this FETs maybe adjustable voltage regulaters. In there neigbourhood i check the resitors if they are the adjustors for the regulators. And with some luck i find them.

I post a pic for the cheap china 35 and the 55 Watt i Have.

All measurement are bevor the ballast, bulb power can be 80% from what i read in this forum.
Power is from 4s2p LiIon pack, luckily i harvest this cells for free, In my light they run with this cells. I now its overkill for this cell config. :thinking:
I try to put more cells into the light in parallel.

At the 55 watt ballast is the "Morepower Mod" allready includet in the "bevor" readings.
In the upper right corner of the 55 watt is some other modding done, not from me. Maybe anybody an idea, i buy this as new from ebay.

I did no runtime heat test or something else, in my light is active air cooling. The 55 watt runs without the covers to get air into the electronic.

Till now the stock china bulbs take this power.

Best regards







Aug 5, 2008
I would like to get more info on the pot you guys are using here...I tried this mod with one I picked up. I chose a pot that was the best match to the "470R" since the one more power used in not mentioned in depth.

danjoo seems to be onto something with the resistor specifically in control of the FET's. I didnt pick up on that from what more power did in his mods.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2009
Bielefeld Germany
I also dont know what exactly morepower is doing there.

This must be the original power setup pot.
Maybe after the production ther is a set pot needed to even out tolerances in the stock parts?

till now i dont have seen all mods toghether, the second trafo, the morpower poti plus resistor mod, and my pink resistor mod.

I dont have a bulb to use this power.

But i look around to get one, and the next HID kit... :shrug:

to see how far we can drive this ballasts...
