I am working on a dive light, and my benchtop power supply just arrived. I have just tested my 2S2P XR-E R2 light head array, and have found that 7.1V is needed to push 2.0A through the array.
Trouble is, I only have 2S3P 18650 LiIon battery cells to do this.
When fully charged, the LiIons will deliver 8.4V. The buck driver will presumably need 0.1V overhead in order to keep regulating, so I need 7.2V. That's great, except that I'll only get to use 50% of the batteries' capacity. 7.2V means I only take each cell down to about 3.6V from its fully charged state of 4.2V, and nowhere near the depletion charge of about 2.5V.
So I guess I need a buck/boost driver, in order to fully utilise these cells. Alternatively, I can just leave it be, and know that my cells are always well protected. However, how much runtime can I expect? I was hoping to get about 3 hours out of the design, but if I'm only able to use 50% of a 3P array and am discharging near 1C, I only get about 1.5, maybe 2 hours out of it.
Do any of the smart people here have anything they can add to help me out? Is there a solution to my predicament?
Trouble is, I only have 2S3P 18650 LiIon battery cells to do this.
When fully charged, the LiIons will deliver 8.4V. The buck driver will presumably need 0.1V overhead in order to keep regulating, so I need 7.2V. That's great, except that I'll only get to use 50% of the batteries' capacity. 7.2V means I only take each cell down to about 3.6V from its fully charged state of 4.2V, and nowhere near the depletion charge of about 2.5V.
So I guess I need a buck/boost driver, in order to fully utilise these cells. Alternatively, I can just leave it be, and know that my cells are always well protected. However, how much runtime can I expect? I was hoping to get about 3 hours out of the design, but if I'm only able to use 50% of a 3P array and am discharging near 1C, I only get about 1.5, maybe 2 hours out of it.
Do any of the smart people here have anything they can add to help me out? Is there a solution to my predicament?