Ultra stinger beam quality questions

Mr. Blue

Aug 31, 2001
I spoke to the rep at Streamlight who said that the light should not be put into tightest spot b/c the bulb will be up against the lens and ruin the lens. She said to back off the focus a bit but that may leave a whole in the beam. Tell me your observations on the beam in spot and flood...wholes?:shadows? etc..ALSO, what kind of reach do you get in spot mode? Any comparisons to the UKE SL6?
I just checked my US and since I like to have it focused as tight as possible was concerned about your question.

There is plenty of space between the bulb and lens on my light. I love this light.

It goes everywhere in my truck with me and like most of those on this board I have an E2 on my belt.

You wont go wrong with the Ultra Stinger
good news, but what about beam characteristics in spot and flood modes...white? wholes? filament shadows? and reach? Thanx
With my US, the best beam is about half a turn backed off from full tightness. This provides a smooth SureFire quality spot which reaches out as far as my M6. (But with less total illumination of course!) As you turn the head for more flood, you will get various rings and shadows, but they don't seem as bad as with Maglites. Maybe because of the brightness or bulb/reflector quality. It does NOT provide a perfect beam from spot to flood if that is what you were wondering, I don't think I have seen a variable beam flashlight that does. There are a couple flood settings that are pretty close, though.

Otherwise, this is a bright, simple, quality light at a great price.
I've bought 6 UltraStingers to date (that should tell you I'm impressed by the light). In spot mode the hot spot is smooth and quite round
, not far away from SF quality! As you move towards flood mode there will be holes and shadows.

In spot mode the reach is far. I can light up targets at 150-200 ft nicely.
Well, the common addiction on CPF has bit me. Seeing all the great thing about the Ultra, I just bought one on Ebay from AGR. $100 total.
Yeah. One more for the house/car.