Update the TK20!


Jan 27, 2009
Orlando, FL
Is there nothing in the works yet? Its one of their only lights that hasnt been updated. I wouldnt mind if they kept the 2 AA bomb proof body, but maybe a brighter version with an orange peel reflector to clean up the beam? And of course still keep the warm tint. Its an amazing light especially at the price, im on the verge of buying it, but it still seems pretty underpowered at 150 lumens. Whos with me? :wave:
I agree.

I'd like to see the following:

  • XP-E emitter to eliminate the dark "Cree rings"
  • Bezel-down clip option
  • Lower low
  • Improved converter that doesn't scream like a howler monkey (at least mine does)
Why change one thing into something it's not? The TK20 is supposed to be a super durable thrower light. And it does that very well. You really can't see the cree rings unless you're white wall hunting, so keep the smooth reflector to get maximum throw. And I believe it has an XR-E emitter to be able to put out 150 lumens (I thought it used to be rated at 220 and 60:thinking:).

It'd be great if they came out with a more modes version of it, with the option of a OP reflector, but they probably won't.
How would making it brighter or making revisions to it make it into a completely different light? Im not asking for a completely different light, I said I prefer them to keep the bomb proof body and 2 AA format. But just to make it a bit brighter and at least make it optional to have an orange peel reflector. Like someone else mentioned maybe a re-designed clip? Little things here and there that would make it into an even better light. :thinking:
Don't know if Fenix is using Q2 or Q3 5A tinted LEDs or is true to the output with the TK20 as mine seems kinda bright and in no way underpowered. Don't know if any other reflector would effect its throw other than the smooth one used. Maybe an XP-E to remove those pesky rings that I never see in the woods anyways. Also mine does have a little of that howler monkey thing going on :laughing: but only on high. At one time I wanted them to add a low mode but think it could hurt the simple UI. How would a third mode work?. The light turns on at low then twist the bezel a little for med then more for high. Don't know but would hate for them to make major changes in the UI as I like.The Bezel seems too big for bezel down clip option. So I am going to say.

1. Higher bin Q3-Q4 5A XP-E.
2. Try an kill that howler monkey.
3. Maybe a low but want the general mode to stay.

This is a hard one as I like this gear item soooooooooo much.
I'm surprised you guys are THAT bothered by the ringing noise on high. I can hear it if I hold the light up by the side of my head, or if I'm in a very quiet environment (like at home with no a/c running or anything).


There's a saying, "better is the enemy of good enough", which I think applies. I'd hate to see them (Fenix) mess up a great light in an attempt at "improving" the design.

But I'm already leery because I don't like the direction they took with their other redesigns.

And for the love of God I wish people would stop bitching about Cree rings and smooth reflectors. If you actually use the light outside instead of shining it at a wall you'd see that it doesn't matter.

Upgrading the emitter as time goes on is fine because it doesn't change the function or form of the light, but otherwise the design is good, why mess with something that works and is obviously a success.
I'm surprised you guys are THAT bothered by the ringing noise on high. I can hear it if I hold the light up by the side of my head, or if I'm in a very quiet environment (like at home with no a/c running or anything).


There's a saying, "better is the enemy of good enough", which I think applies. I'd hate to see them (Fenix) mess up a great light in an attempt at "improving" the design.

But I'm already leery because I don't like the direction they took with their other redesigns.

And for the love of God I wish people would stop bitching about Cree rings and smooth reflectors. If you actually use the light outside instead of shining it at a wall you'd see that it doesn't matter.

Upgrading the emitter as time goes on is fine because it doesn't change the function or form of the light, but otherwise the design is good, why mess with something that works and is obviously a success.

The sound isn't so bad but I got good ears so yea I hear it. On general mode I can't hear a thing. If it made a hum on general mode maybe it would be more of an issue as this is used most of the time. Seems many lights have this issue and it doesn't effect the output etc. The rings as stated can't be seen in the real world and that is all that matters but thinking if they ever upgrade the LED a warm tinted Q4-5A XP-E isn't a bad idea but no expert. I also fear change as it is so good right now.
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I think the light is pretty much as good as its meant to be. The only thing One could need is a brighter high, a real scorcher

Funny you should mention that, Crenshaw . . . .

The only thing keeping me from buying it, is lack of a Low mode.

Want something less than ~ 40 Lumens !

I just found this freeze test on youtube, pretty impressive, 1 comment mentions that the TK20 has been discontinuned and it sure looks that way at my local Fenix dealer :confused:
I bought the last 1 they had to keep as a spare :grin2:

Nice vid kts. This shows one reason why Eneloops really are fantastic batteries being able to function in temperatures that low when previously lithium L91s were king.

Pity the TK20 has been discontinued (?):sigh:. I don't think much needed upgraded, perhaps an option of a cool XP-E for throw or an XP-G for those who really want it, but I hope the replacement will be as good and straight forward with no gimmics.
The noise is mildly annoying to me, but my wife has very good hearing at high frequencies, and to her it's intolerable.

My complaint about the ringy beam isn't really about how pretty it looks on a white wall, but rather about the area around the hotspot being darker than it otherwise should be. I noticed this diffference when comparing the beam outdoors to my new Quark AA² Turbo. The hotspot intensity of both lights is nearly equal. But the Quark gave better visibility due to having a larger hotspot and a more gradual fade between the hotspot and sidespill.

This is why I think that the TK20 could be improved by switching to one of the Cree XP-x emitters. The only reason that I can imagine not to do this would be if, for some reason, the newer emitters are not consistently available in warm tints, which is one of the major selling points of the current TK20.
Just held mine up to my ear on low & high and I hear nothing.
I rarely even use the low outside & actually wish the low setting was higher at around 80 or 90.

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