Upgrading a Surefire Centurion to LED


Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2010
This is my first post here and it may be in the wrong place. If so, please move it.

I bought a Surefire C3 Centurion probably 5-6 years ago. It has been a good light that I have used quite a bit. Recently though I bought a 4-7's Quark 123 just to see what it was like. I was AMAZED that the little light threw as much light and brighter light really than my old Surefire- and half the size too!

I would like to upgrade the Surefire to the newer LED type light in the hope that it will 1. last longer-bulb, batteries etc... 2. Provide cleaner light- it's currently very yellow vs. the Quark 3. Provide at least as much if not more Lumen output than it currently does.

What would be a good "replacement" LED system for it?
Any P-60 sized drop in would work. There are many good ones out there. Read the sticky thread on P-60 sized drop ins at the top of the LED forum to see comments on various models. I personally like the new thrunite brand that batteryjunction.com sells. I have a 300 lumen single mode drop-in in one of my 6-P's and a three mode in another 6-P

these can be found here: http://www.batteryjunction.com/thrunite-brand.html

Also about the tint, the thrunite brand above has a very white light. None of that orangish-yellow of the incan you have now.
I would suggest a Dereelight drop-in that has the voltage range your looking for. I have one in my Z2 and it throws like stink with a clean, smooth beam profile, very white light output (touch of blue MAYBE... almost un-noticable), well centered, and good spill.
You can also look into having somebody bore out the body of your Centurion. This costs around $30, and allows you to use larger (i.e. higher capacity) rechargeable batteries in your light. The boring pays for itself in the money you'll save with using rechargeable batteries versus the throw-away kind.
Hi. The proper upgrade for a Surefire C3 is a Malkoff drop-in. An M60LL will provide a similar level of light to what you are accustomed to and run for much, much longer (8+ hours on 2x123's, longer on 3). If you are looking for something that runs for a bit longer (2+ hours) and is incredibly bright (300 lumens), pick up the new one, the M61. Right now the M60LL is on sale for $39, which is a real steal!

I have an M61 in my Surefire C2 and an M60 in a VME adaptor on my E2E. They are simply the best upgrades around for any Surefire...

You need to be careful because not all drop-ins will support the 9v of the Surefire C3. The Malkoff M6 drop-ins are capable of up to 9v and will work safely.
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What about a Cree R2?

I'll be honest, I'm a gun guy, not a flashlight guy- yet...You may convince me, I do like toys!...If I ask questions that are :sick2: please bear with me. I have tried to do a little research before posting some of my more basic questions but you guys talk in a language that resembles English but I find I have to refer to my "dictionary" quite a bit!
Cree R2 refers to the LED bin (efficiency/output rating) being used. Not the drop-in itself, but I assume you are thinking about a cheap drop-in. Save the disappointment and get a quality drop-in. Malkoff's M61 uses a Cree XP-G R5 which is currently the best LED on the market.
does anybody know the Quality of the Lumens Factory Led p60 dropins ?
Don't settle for off-white bins or last years emitters.
I'd suggest contacting cpf member Nailbender,
He makes dozens and dozens and has about every top emitter available, and options of various tint bins in some emitters.
Lots of driver options available too.
You could go from ~450lumens high output modules to nice warm tints that'll greatly impress anyone who's only seen cool-tints in the wilderness before.
Cree R2 refers to the LED bin (efficiency/output rating) being used. Not the drop-in itself, but I assume you are thinking about a cheap drop-in. Save the disappointment and get a quality drop-in. Malkoff's M61 uses a Cree XP-G R5 which is currently the best LED on the market.

I just got a M61 and will agree with Carrot, its a awesome piece :thumbsup:

Don't settle for off-white bins or last years emitters.
I'd suggest contacting cpf member Nailbender,
He makes dozens and dozens and has about every top emitter available, and options of various tint bins in some emitters.
Lots of driver options available too.
You could go from ~450lumens high output modules to nice warm tints that'll greatly impress anyone who's only seen cool-tints in the wilderness before.

Another great idea! Nailbender is very helpful and will build a custom dropin from his wide range of options (multimode, warm emitters, the list goes on and on). Feel free to check out his work at the below link:

Have two, one has a Malkoff M60, the other an M60F. I just ordered an M61, but the two I mentioned would be hard to beat (but hope springs eternal). Very highly recommended.

In fact, anything from Gene Malkoff is very highly recommended.