Variations of alkaline batteries?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2008

I have seen many different type of AA batteries for sale in walmart that claim to be better than alkaline, like energizer titanium, duracell digital, and another from either energizer or duracell called nickle something that claims to last 2x longer.

So are these cells variations or improved formula of alkaline, or are they something different? Are they better than alkalines?

The only AAs you'll find on your local store shelf that are markedly better than standard alkalines are Energizer Lithiums (now sold as Energizer Ultimate Lithium). This particular cell chemistry runs circles around alkalines in high-drain devices, and is tailor-made for LED flashlights. A lithium AA usually lasts ~%166 as long as an alkaline in a high-output light, with less voltage sag so the light is actually brighter as well.

The reason it's just the one type of battery from one manufacturer is because Energizer holds the patent on the formula, other battery brands aren't allowed to copy it.
I've dismantled batteries before, believe it or not the premium alkalines like duracell ultras are not worth anything more than their regular counterparts. The only difference between them and the regular ones is a corrugated anode pin to increase surface area of the anode. The high current performance increase is negligible.

I have seen many different type of AA batteries for sale in walmart that claim to be better than alkaline, like energizer titanium, duracell digital, and another from either energizer or duracell called nickle something that claims to last 2x longer.

So are these cells variations or improved formula of alkaline, or are they something different? Are they better than alkalines?


Pretty much all alkaline cells are crap. Energizer e2 lithium cells and rechargable NiMH cells will run circles around alkaline cells in both brightness and runtime in any light.
Thanks for the answer guys.

I've dismantled batteries before, believe it or not the premium alkalines like duracell ultras are not worth anything more than their regular counterparts. The only difference between them and the regular ones is a corrugated anode pin to increase surface area of the anode. The high current performance increase is negligible.

That's interesting to know, looks like I'll get some rechargeables, energizer lithiums are prohibitly expensive in stores.
Not at Sam's Club they're not !

Ya' get 12 of 'em for Twenty Bucks.

IMO the more *hyped* alkalines are not worth but perhaps 5% more in price and I typically stock up on batteries when on clearance mostly. I have enough rechargables when I buy something with batteries the alkalines go into my stock and I fill them with nimh. Lithiums have their drawback of price mainly but if you are rarely using a light and storing it in the weather they are idea for they don't really leak and work in better extremes and put out more power at higher current drains. For cheaper stuff you check the batteries often use alkalines.
Ya' get 12 of 'em for Twenty Bucks.

That's not bad, $1.67 each, they're usually $2.50 each.

The trick is to use store coupons/rebates/deals. The last time I bought Lithiums earlier this year, Walgreen's had a one-day coupon plus a mail-in rebate; total was $13 for 12, or $1.08 each. Gotta keep your eyes open! :huh: