Vector HID light??


Newly Enlightened
Aug 23, 2004
Do you think the Vector HID is any good? how many lumens is it. It seem like a good bargin for what it cost?
Does harbor Freight have one with their name on it?

I own the Vector Power On Board HID, and it is a truly amazing light which I am still blown away by! It illuminates objects up to 1 mile away, has a laser like blue beam in the sky which can light up low clouds and is visible from far away, and puts out 3000 lumens. The Vector is rechargeable and runs for over 1 hour on a full charge. Harbor Freight does carry it in a different color with their name on it, but you can get them on eBay much cheaper (around $50).

It is one of the best bargains available for that much power.

Hope this helps!
I just got one and love it. Mine was under 40.00 shipped to my house. great light for the price

Thanks, It looks like E-bay is my best bet.
I currently have a 15Mcp Thor Spotlight that is halogen, Do you know how much brighter the Vector HID is compaird to the 15Mcp light?
Thanks, It looks like E-bay is my best bet.
I currently have a 15Mcp Thor Spotlight that is halogen, Do you know how much brighter the Vector HID is compaird to the 15Mcp light?

I own a 15mcp Thor too. The 15mcp Thor has a brighter hotspot and more throw than the Vector Power On Board HID, so I don't think you would be very impressed by the Vector in terms of brightness as your Thor will appear brighter. The impressive thing about the Vector is that it runs for over 1 hour at full brightness without dimming at all, rather than the 15mcp Thor which starts dimming after only 10 minutes. I highly recommend you get the Vector as it is much smaller and lighter weight than the Thor, and is a much more useful all-around light due to its super long runtime.
Thanks, Im surprised that you dident think it was brighter. I thought the HID was brighter than halogen. I dident think the Thor was over 3000 lumens
The small size is one good thing about the Vector.
Thanks, Im surprised that you dident think it was brighter. I thought the HID was brighter than halogen. I dident think the Thor was over 3000 lumens
The small size is one good thing about the Vector.

The Vector does put out more lumens than the Thor, so it will light up a room brighter (The Thor puts out about 2500 lumens). The Thor just appears brighter than the Vector because it has a slightly brighter hotspot and more throw.

I hope you decide to get the Vector as I know you would love it.:thumbsup:
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Yes, here and here.:thumbsup:

In these beamshot shootouts the Vector HID is referred to as either the "Sam's POB" or the "Sam's Power On Board".

If you scroll far down in the second thread I just gave you a link to (a few beamshots below the one of the Vector), there is a beamshot of the 15mcp Thor and you will see how it has a more intense beam the the Vector.
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If you swap out the 6500K lamp in the POB/Vector to a 4300K, it blows away the Thor 15MCD in my opinion.
Even with the 6000K bulb the POB puts out noticeably more output. It's around 3000 lumens while the Thor is around 2300 on a 12V 7A battery. The Thor looks anemic after running for 20 minutes will the POB is still blazing away at full output after 50 minutes. There's no comparison between the output, efficiency and overall usability of the POB. I gave my dad one for his b-day and he's still talking about it months later.


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Even with the 6000K bulb the POB puts out noticeably more output. It's around 3000 lumens while the Thor is around 2300 on a 12V 7A battery. The Thor looks anemic after running for 20 minutes will the POB is still blazing away at full output after 50 minutes. There's no comparison between the output, efficiency and overall usability of the POB. I gave my dad one for his b-day and he's still talking about it months later.

Agreed. The POB does put out a lot more total light than the Thor, and is so much better as it doesn't dim. The Thor might have a slightly brighter hotspot, but it will only be brighter than the POB for 5-10 minutes, and then the POB will dominate the Thor hands down from there on.
If I had to choose just one of the 2 lights, the POB would be the clear choice.


Your Thor will always be your best thrower, but the POB is so much more practical and better in all other ways.:thumbsup:
So switching out the lamp in the Vector to a 4300K would make it appear brighter? does that lamp give more visible light?

One thing I dont like about the Thor is it size, too big.
Look here at the Shootout 4 pics. Compare the "Power on Board" and the Amondotech 3152. The 3152 was the predecessor of the POB and was sold exclusively by Amondotech with a 4300K lamp as standard. This is a direct comparison. Exact same light, made by the exact same company but with different bulbs. Amondotech had, at the time, an exclusive on the 3152 with the 4300K bulb in the U.S. There is far more light coming out of the 3152 because of the color temp difference.
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Thanks,How much would a 4300k lamp cost? and were could I get one.

Looking at the Shootout pics, the Vector POB doesnt look as bright as I thought it should. It has more lumens than the thor, so shouldent it be brighter?
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Thanks,How much would a 4300k lamp cost? and were could I get one.

Looking at the Shootout pics, the Vector POB doesnt look as bright as I thought it should. It has more lumens than the thor, so shouldent it be brighter?

The Thor appears brighter than the Vector only because it has a brighter hotspot. The Vector does put out a lot more light than the Thor, so if you were to use them to light up a field the Vector will appear brighter. The Vector also lights up a room quite a bit brighter than the Thor.

The Thor will only look brighter than the Vector when you shine them both on a white wall side by side.
Thanks,How much would a 4300k lamp cost? and were could I get one.

Looking at the Shootout pics, the Vector POB doesnt look as bright as I thought it should. It has more lumens than the thor, so shouldent it be brighter?

That's always been a problem with HID beamshot comparisons. Depending upon the the size, shape, and distance of targets certain lights will look brighter. In the case of the Thor and POB, the zoomed shots may favor the Thor, the wide shot will favor the POB. Ideally the backdrop would be a steep hill side or down a steep hill, which would reflect the full beam from each light. In any case the calculated lumens tell the story with regards to which has more output. It's a difference of roughly 700 bulb lumens. Once you know the bulb lumens, then you just have to analyze how the lumens are distributed differently.
That's always been a problem with HID beamshot comparisons. Depending upon the the size, shape, and distance of targets certain lights will look brighter. In the case of the Thor and POB, the zoomed shots may favor the Thor, the wide shot will favor the POB. Ideally the backdrop would be a steep hill side or down a steep hill, which would reflect the full beam from each light. In any case the calculated lumens tell the story with regards to which has more output. It's a difference of roughly 700 bulb lumens. Once you know the bulb lumens, then you just have to analyze how the lumens are distributed differently.

Agreed 100%.:thumbsup:


I will try to point out a few things about how these lights compare:

The Vector will have a much brighter flood of light around its hotspot than the Thor, and will also have brighter spill.
Maybe the Vector doesn't look as bright as you would expect because you see how the Thor puts a clearly brighter spot on the base of the tower and trees, but if you were really there you would see that the Vector outshines the Thor by a very large amount on the field.:)
Like I said, the only part of the Thor's beam that will be brighter than the Vector's is the hotspot (and throw).

Take a laser pointer for example: The laser will have a much brighter and more intense pinpoint of light than either the Thor or Vector, but will only be brighter within that miniature dot, and will give absolutely no illumination at all. Now compare that to any flashlight, and the flashlight will illuminate an area countless times more brightly than the laser.
This is an extreme example, but the Vector will be much brighter than the Thor in this way. If you were to hold them both at the same time and shine them through a field, parking lot, or your property, the Vector will light it up much brighter than the Thor.

The only way the Thor outperforms the Vector is that it lights up very distant objects more brightly, but the Vector really smokes it in all other ways. At close range the Vector completely outshines the Thor (unless you compare hotspots only, then the Thor will look brighter).

I hope you get the Vector as it will blow you away and I think you will like it a lot more than the Thor.
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Thanks, It looks like E-bay is my best bet.
I currently have a 15Mcp Thor Spotlight that is halogen, Do you know how much brighter the Vector HID is compaird to the 15Mcp light?
Why not choose the road less traveled? you've already got a 12v battery source, host & reflector... locate an automotive HID kit and DIY something more powerful than a 35w POB! :D