Vector POB Focusing


Newly Enlightened
Jul 13, 2008
Was wondering where i missed a post or series of posts awhile back that touched on focusing the POB's stock bulb...i'm thinking my light is a little more floody than it should be....didn't someone take measurements from the base of the reflector to the center or the bulb's arc? The more elusive this creature has become on the internet, the less inclined i am at cracking open this beast and risk breaking something, as it was hard to find last year! :shrug:
The traditional method is to add thin washers between the bulb and reflector until the precise focus is reached.
Shimming as little as .005" can make a significant difference so it's very, very difficult to "measure" even using a 64th inch scale. Using the scale can give you a starting point then you need to begin shimming. Hopefully, you don't come across one that needs to go further into the reflector. In this case, you're most likely out of luck unless you can remove some material from the face of the bulb or reflector surfaces.
If you pull it apart you may notice a spacer in there. My POB has one, let me see if I can get you a picture. they are pretty easy to take apart, you just have to get past the tri wing screws that hold the reflector/lens piece on.

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Yeah guys, i tried to take a whitewall shot to show you, but i can't seem to get the camera settings right to show what my eyes see...from a distance of 100feet, it looks like there's a tiny little <6" dot of intensity, and then the brightness kind of streaks outward from that dot a bit dimmer...i keep thinking that the intense hotspot should be a little wider (at a 100feet, about 1-2feet wide) it almost seems like the arc is not far enough into the reflector, which could be a problem, as BVH stated...I'll follow Mettee's suggestion and see if there's an extra spacer in there.
The beam shape actually sound pretty nice. Thinking back to my two focusing models, the sharpest point comes from the bulb being the furthest into the reflector dish. The wider beams come from backing the bulb off, so you may be ok with your adjustment range in this case. :)
The beam shape actually sound pretty nice. Thinking back to my two focusing models, the sharpest point comes from the bulb being the furthest into the reflector dish. The wider beams come from backing the bulb off, so you may be ok with your adjustment range in this case. :)

I'm thinking it needs more throw, because based on Google Earth measurements, and my own eyes, it seems that i can't light up more than 300yds with the thing....but your probably right, Patriot, i could squeak out a little more distance with the current setup with no Dremel grinding, or anything that severe...but now it seems, i won't really know until i'm able to get the dang thing apart! The little screws that loosen the reflector assembly are a bit oddball to me....requiring a triangular type bit that i don't have...i've tried various metric and US sized allen wrenches, Torx wrenches, even tapped into my miniature "jeweler's" set with both straight and philips heads, and none of them will allow me to lock into the head of the screws in order to loosen them...i dont want to ream them out so i can't use them at all...anybody know what type driver bit i need? Or is this some sort of proprietary tool that needs to be ordered from Vector directly? Looks like they're vaporware, because i can't even find their website to find a tool, if required :shakehead
I haven't opened up my POB yet but I believe it requires a tri-wing bit.Type that into the Google Search feature in the upper right hand corner and there are several threads on the subject.

Here is a picture of what the set looks like.You can pickup a set like this at any discount tool store for less than $10.
I haven't opened up my POB yet but I believe it requires a tri-wing bit.Type that into the Google Search feature in the upper right hand corner and there are several threads on the subject.

Here is a picture of what the set looks like.You can pickup a set like this at any discount tool store for less than $10.
I'll try my local Lowes/Home Depot this weekend and try to find a cheap set...didnt quite know what i was looking for...thanks for the tip :thumbsup:

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