The 310CS as well as the 310DS are available in different tint bins. The 310CS I used with the Cree was a B1 tint which for the most part seemed well matched. Most of the Dragons I worked with were higher in color temperature and I felt the B2 tint which is a higher color temp was a better match; again for the most part. I have seen some 3 mm LED's that were not "typical" in regards to the majority in their bin but for the most part, Nichia seems to do pretty well with consistency in color temp.
I admit that I have a personal preference for cool over warm when it comes to tint and in some cases there is a bonus of greater flux if you are willing to go with the cooler tint.
There are variations among all of these lights and in the case of the LunaSol's my primary concern, in regards to tint, was to try to match the 3 mm's to that of the primary high power LED. That I was not completely successful in this desire or that the overall tint was not to everyone's preference is really no surprise. :shrug: