This isn't really new, as I saw strips and strips of 2700K LED's at an LEDeffects office (when I was scouting out the DingDotz) in Sept. 2005. (they also had individual 3000's and 4000's). I'm not sure who the OEM for those is, though.
I guess the news is the the efficiency is going up, and they are more ready to be viable on the market?
You still don't see warm LED's much anywhere. But Foreverbright did come out with some "warm white" strings last Christmas (though from a distance, they look like a yellowed white; like a mercury behind a plastic filter yellowed by the UV radiation). Those would be like the one in the middle of the picture; the 3000-4000's. But the 2700 ones liiked just like Incandescents, and were just as bright, but then again; I was seeing a whole strip of them against the wall.