Warm tinted flashlights (budget or otherwise)


Newly Enlightened
Feb 12, 2009
Bay Area, CA
Hey all

As I stated in another thread, I'm in HK right now and looking for a (few) new lights. Among one of them, probably the most important and most difficult to find, is a warm tinted flashlight I can use to supplement my night riding lights, since warm tints really light up the ground much better.

The only light that comes to my mind off the bat is the TK20. I would prefer if budget choices were given as well as more expensive ones.

Thanks for all your help!
Flashlights sold with a specified LED tint are the exception rather than the rule, and they tend to be found in the more expensive and/or custom lights.

You may want to post to the WTB forum in the Marketplace to see if anyone has a used warm-tinted LED flashlight that they want to sell.
If you are OK with 18650's, then the L-mini II Q3-5C is a relatively inexpensive option.
4 Seven's Quark has a warm tint option.
So does Jetbeam IIIM
Zebralight H501W, H60W