WARNING for Zebralight owners!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
I've had 5 Zebralights. I still have two H50's and two H30's. Five Zebralights and five problems but I won't get into that now. It's a light I'd really like to like but I just seem to have bad luck with them - HOWEVER now one of my H50's that died a few weeks ago has just become flat out dangerous IMO. I decided to try a fresh Eneloop in it again. It was in there only maybe 10 seconds before I could feel the tail cap getting very warm. No light but lots of heat building fast. I'm sure it's dead shorting the Eneloop as I tried this twice and read the voltage before and after yanking it out and it had dropped quite a noticeable amount. The real danger here is that these are also stated to be useable with Lithium-Ions. I believe most peope don't use them in the H50 but Zebralight says it can handle them. Considering the thin shell on this light and the fact that most people wear it on their head this could be a real dangerous situation if one shorted and blew while on your head. My suggestion is that if your H50 ever goes out while on your head to remove it immediately and pull the battery out. I really like the design of the Zebralights but for some reason it is the only light that has repeatedly failed me by either dying or having the H30 battery change problem. I really would like to have one that works right. In the meantime everyone please take care with their lights and especially if you've got a Li-Ion on your head.
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Sorry you've had these problems with the Zebralights. I use my H50 every night to read in bed as it is the ONLY light that doesn't bother or wake up my dear wife.

Potential problems with all lithium batteries are the main reason I won't put one on my head. I'd spend the $300+ on a high-end Stenlight for my caving helmet if had been designed to run on NiMH AA's instead of a lithium battery pack.
Gosh, that really stinks that you've had so much difficulty with them. My experience with them has been similar to YP's with regards to the amount that I use them and the reliability factor. I own one of each light and usually run the H30 on AW cells and the H50 on 14500's or Eneloops. They've been perfect lights and I even side stepped the early H30 issues somehow. Hopefully these are fixed under warranty for you and maybe soon you'll get several lights that work like they're supposed to.
Hmmm.. I only have one H50 and have used it only a couple dozen times. Used it just tonight. Maybe 3 or so battery changes. Have had no issues thus far. I use only NiMh's. Thanks for the info, tho.
5 lights and 5 issues !!??!! That's quite surprising Matrix. I've been pondering the purchase of an AA light from them but now I'm a bit leery. I'm wondering if you've contacted the manufacturer???

I'm especially concerned since if I were to buy a bad one, warranty issues are a lot more difficult since I live in Canada.
I use my H30 all the time, but I've only used AW's protected cells in it. So I've had no problems. I should note that the version I have is the updated one that was a replacement for the original 1st release with the faulty start up problem.
Thats a bummer matrixshaman, I have one of each and they are both perfect. Is there any chance that you have some karma issues? I accept donations if you want to boost it :)
PhotonBoy - From what I've read I'm one of the few that have had bad Zebralights so I wouldn't let my experience stop you from getting one. Zebralight seems very responsive in handling problems but after a point I was getting tired having to deal with the issues and I have such a huge project going right now that it's difficult to get time to return things. I actually just got a PM from Zebralight offering to take care of the problem if I return the light. I didn't doubt they would take care of the problem but I just haven't had time to deal with such things lately. About the only time I'm not working on my project (a lot of hard physical work) is when I'm too tired to do anything but sit at the computer. I don't really want to return my H30's though since the battery change issue is more of an annoyance rather than something that makes them completely unusable and I have need for them regularly now.
Thujone - karma? I doubt it but who knows. I've got a large amount of lights but the Zebralight is the only one giving me problems now. The H30's both have the battery change problem but the second one I got was supposed to have been after the problem was fixed. That's a problem a lot of people had on the early ones. One of the three H50's I've gotten was DOA and the other died after little use. The third one had an issue that was cosmetic but did effect the light output somewhat. I do think it is just weird because they look like very well made lights but in my experience (and it seems only my experience) it seems I just can't get a good H50. The H30's are great except for the fact they play dead after a battery change. :shrug:
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Yes that's what I'd like to have sometime - I swear I'm not that picky. Look at what I say about most of the other lights I've got. If you check my posts you'll know what I mean. Liteflux LF5XT - both mine had the tail tap-off issue but I really didn't care - it's a great light and that's just not something that concerns me. But having a light that does not work at all or does not come on when you change to a new battery without some considerable fanagling sometimes - that's a problem for me. However I do believe if I get the time to return some they will be fine eventually. Just based on some of the original and lengthy Zebralight message threads it seems that most people had no problems.
I do think that we all need to think about using Li-Ions on our heads though regardless of what brand - it just seems it has potential for serious problems. I for one was thrilled to hear Zebralight was making the H30 though and as long as we are aware of the potential but likely rare risk it poses we'll be fine using them in this configuration.

Your not the only one with problems with the H50. I absolutely love this light. It has provide me with much needed light in many needed times. But I have gone through 3 of these lights in less then 1 year! All times have been sudden deathness, after some use. I do use these suckers a lot(4-6 battery changes a day mostly) and I use exclusively Eneloops. It is just frustrating to have such an awesome light fail when I needed its blanket of light. I really needed an AA light that was all flood, but now I have resorted back to my HDS B60 for the task. I must comment about their customer service though, top notch and quick responses. Grade A.
I do use these suckers a lot(4-6 battery changes a day mostly) and I use exclusively Eneloops.

Wow, at that rate one week of your typical usage would be a lifetime of usage for me. What do you use it for?

Re: the thread, my H50 is fine, although perhaps I don't use it enough to offer a useful data point.
thanks for the info supes - that's fairly heavy use but it does lead me to believe that failures could be heat related. Most electronics fail in the first few hours if they are going to fail. Those that fail later are usually due to excess heat. I wonder if that is what has happened with ours? But like you say and like I've found it's a great light concept and with excellent customer service and it's hard not to really like these. I do wish they had a place in the U.S. for returns though. I know 4sevens will take back ones purchased from him but I don't think he's taking back ones that came straight from Zebralight. I got an RMA for mine straight from Zebralight after they saw this thread. That's impressive. Now if I can just get the time to send it back...
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My H50 has been fine so far, though I haven't used it all that much.