Was in Wal-Mart to see what lights people bought for Xmas


Dec 1, 2008
I went to Wal-Mart this morning early. Had to do the Grocery thing, so I went by Sporting goods, to see what flashlights were bought up by people. I was sort of surprised......

All of the Brinkman lights (the large spotlights) were gone. Most of the other manufacturer's spotlights were gone too. They weren't on sale, so it must be that people around here favor those spotlights.

Also most of the really cheap $1-$5 flashlights were gone as well, but hardly any of the small 3AAA, 2AA, CR123A, LED (Cree) flashlights sold. I really thought people would buy those smaller 75-150 lumen lights like that, but they didn't. Also most of the Incan Maglites were gone. I guess Maglite is still mainstream for many people. (Mag 3AA LED with holster $20 today)...

Maybe most of them are not "enlightened", like I am :confused: (or maybe I'm not).......
I mean if they knew, they would have probably bought those 150-200 lumen tatical style lights instead of those big Maglites right?

Overall hardly any LED lights were sold, so most people still buy Incan first around here.........

Anyhow, I just found it interesting what was sold in the last 48 hours. I had looked at the shelves the day before Christmas, so I knew exactly what people had bought.......
from my experience most people dont want to pay over 10 bucks for a light, lmao so that is why probably the 30 to 50 dollar led lights wal mart has are still on the shelf , not to mention the economy is a struggle for most right now , and if they are like me they know walmart will put it on clearance soon so just wait, lol

Heh, that's funny. I noticed a similar thing on Christmas eve at Target. Like you said, all the big spotlights were gone, and normally they stay on the shelf forever. Then today, I was looking at Home Depot and found the box for the 200 lumen Husky, but they were all gone.

And btw, neither Lowes nor Home Depot had any sale going on Mag stuff! (Doh!)

I was hoping to get one dirt cheap because I need a new reflector after wiping off some of the silver coating while trying to remove tape residue which was there because.... well nevermind! hahaha
I bought the last 3D and 4D Maglites at my local Wal-Mart(for future mods).All the spotlights were gone but everything else remained.Happy Newyear to everyone.