
Jul 12, 2007
The Mines of Moria (middle earth)
I guess that many members of CPF is Wealthy or has so much disposable income. I have been a member here for a little while now and i enjoy reading about the SPECIAL SUPERKALIFRAGILISTIC EXPIALODOCIOUS LIGHT thats made out of Titanium and sells for at least $600-limitless price. I know that all of those light are AMAZING and i wish i could have a few and i really do. I know the reason why its expensive because of the material thats used Trust me i know what im talking about. Im an Applications Engineer.Ttanium is what i deal with most of the time and not to include exotic materials like: MONEL, HASTELLOY, INCONEL, RENE, BIODUR, WASPALLOY to name a few...in fact, the above mentioned materials makes Titanium cut Like 12L14 steel (butter).Not to brag, I make GOOD money, and still cant justify a $1000 light. Dont get me wrong i have at least20-30 flashlight that i have accumulated over the years.

I guess My Son's Education, House, Cars ,401K, savings, Profit sharing, Nice vacation for my family and etc...to name a few are my Top priority.

I would like to hear from you guys.

Still... I want those Lights! dang............
I guess My Kids's Education, House, Cars ,401K, savings, Profit sharing, Nice vacation for my family and etc...to name a few are my Top priority.

I would like to hear from you guys.

Still... I want those Lights! dang............

I'm in the same boat as you...Priorities over lights. :(

I guess I'll get back to watching Mary Poppins.. :)
I'm in the same boat as you...Priorities over lights. :(

Uuh...you have a Mustang in your avatar that looks like it's at the dragstrip. I know just how costly that is, sold the Cobra six months ago.

Even the missus agrees that hot rodding flashlights is a MUCH cheaper hobby :crackup:
I don't know if it's just me or not... perhaps some others can chime in before I close this thread? But I do take the OP of this thread as very antagonistic... even bordering on baiting. Someone want to try to convince me otherwise... before I close this thread?
I don't know if it's just me or not... perhaps some others can chime in before I close this thread? But I do take the OP of this thread as very antagonistic... even bordering on baiting. Someone want to try to convince me otherwise... before I close this thread?

I have nothing to say that it shouldn't be closed. :shrug:
I guess My Son's Education, House, Cars ,401K, savings, Profit sharing, Nice vacation for my family and etc...to name a few are my Top priority.

Still... I want those Lights! dang............

As well they should! I think having your priorities in order is much more valuable than any light :thumbsup:

Luckily much of the cutting edge technology will trickle down to more reasonable price point.

As far as titanium lights go, great your light will last you years but be obsolete next month :ironic:

We all have to battle with "desire" in life. Try to think of your visits here like going to a museum.
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I guess you should have been an investment banker.

It is a bit rude to presume or imply everyone who buys a custom light is forgoing other responsibilities. Everyone is at different stages of their life and different stages of earning power. A 30 year worker for example has not even reached their peak earning years, some people don't have kids, some don't buy flat screen TVs, or audio equipment or cool car parts, etc.

Come to think of it this IS antagonistic. What people spend their money on is none of your business. To insult them in addition to poking your nose in their business is in very poor taste at minimum and being a jerk on the other end of the spectrum.

Bring out the padlocks!
Someone once told me that if you get a professional job, you can get enough money for anything. By that, he meant any ONE thing, NOT everything so - as said above - it depends on your priorities.

If flashlights are your one thing, you can probably afford the best - especially as they physically last forever. It's when you want EVERYthing - flashlights, guns, knives, cars, boats, camper, video, hifi, camera, house, family, retirement, health care, skiing, scubaing, globetrotting, and on and on - that money is never enough.

You just have to control IT instead of the other way around. And y'know, if you did have it ALL, you might not be as happy as you think. Part of the joy of a good meal is being hungry before you get it...
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Well I don't think the thread is antagonistic. I think the OP is struggling with desire and that natural instinct to keep up with the jones and wants some input. We have certainly discussed this topic before because I saved a quote from Xochi.

Desire isn't pleasant. Those with extraordinary desire are controlled by that desire into extraordinary action to satisfy that desire. While those of us more loosely gripped enjoy more freedom and greater levity. Freedom rox being miserably obsessed with anything sux. -

I would say his assumption that its wealthy people buying these lights may not alway be correct. Some people get so obsessed with a hobby that it drives them to the poorhouse.

I personally could easily buy a $1000 light without making any noticeable sacrifices, but I don't have any $1000 lights because I don't think its a wise use of money. I am thinking about getting a Sebenza though.
dave... I think you make a valid point... which I'm guessing is that it's not WHAT one says but HOW they say it. The "HOW" in the OP is as da.gee interpreted... IMHO. Anyone else wanna chime in on this?
dave... I think you make a valid point... which I'm guessing is that it's not WHAT one says but HOW they say it. The "HOW" in the OP is as da.gee interpreted... IMHO. Anyone else wanna chime in on this?
Your call ma'am. :shrug:
just a bit off topic. Do we really have 28,000+ members now? Wow!

I guess in a population that large you will have the entire income spectrum presented. We once had a thread on "how much do you make", I can't find it now but It was a good thread too, amazingly it didn't go down hill, people can get very touchy on that sort of thing.

Frankly CPF expendature is nothing compared to the watch forums, where the "poor mans watch forum" PMWF is considered watches under $1000.
just a bit off topic. Do we really have 28,000+ members now? Wow!

Actually it's more like 35,000+... but the more accurate representation is the number of active users... which is currently around 7,000. That is the number of members that have logged into the site within the past 30 days. And currently CPF alone gets about 2,200 members logging in per day. Not too shabby... ;)
I will admit it is unclear what the OP wants from this thread.

So I'll try to satisfy the possibilities:

1) Wants justification for that $1000 light. OK then:
- Many of these lights are collectable and actually go up in value!
- One great light is cheaper than many bargain lights

2) Wants others in his position to back him up.
- Dude I'm in the same boat, I lust after the exotics, but can only afford the imports.

3) Wants to know how people afford these things:
- What, you didn't know Bill Gates, JK Rowling and Warren Buffett are CPF members?

SaVaGe is asking others "point of view" on how they are able to purchase these lights, and mentions he understands why certain lights are expensive from his experiences. When I was in my early 20's I was making decent money, living with my parents, and had no bills. I was able to blow off $1000.00 a month, but now with above responsibilities mentioned I am lucky if I could spend $30.00 a month now. He just wants to know how we do it.
I don't know if it's just me or not... perhaps some others can chime in before I close this thread? But I do take the OP of this thread as very antagonistic... even bordering on baiting. Someone want to try to convince me otherwise... before I close this thread?
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I believe we're all wealthy CPF members. We enjoy a diverse group of enthusiasts that share in a common interest. :grouphug: