Wee and Raw NS question?


Newly Enlightened
May 3, 2008
I was wondering if any of you EDC either of these lights? Also is the Wee small enough for a key chain light and if so how well does the finish hold up against the keys day after day? I was also wondering if there is a domestic source for buying these lights?
Here's a nice size comparison. It's extremely small, I'd even call the Raw a keychain light. I can't say anything about how durable it is though.

It's available directly from Lummi - that's a domestic source, as long as you live in the UK :p
As balou says, the Wee is tiny, won't even notice it on your keys.

The Raw NS is a bit bigger and quite heavy in its NS variety, but still pretty good.

If you opt for the tritium vials, they can break if the keys hit them by chance just right, so just be aware.

I tend to wear either one or other on a neck chain 24/7 - almost forget it's there sometimes. Nice.

Be lucky...
here is a great thread about edc'ing a raw. i have tried the method rob shows in the last post of the thread and i gotta say that for me this works the best.

How do people EDC their Raw

i don't have a wee but i'm cerain it would be fine on a keychain. the NS version will probably tarnish or wear over time from repeated exposure to keys. then again, anything will.
My wife has been EDCing a Wee NS on a sterling silver neck chain for nearly one year. She now says that she barely notices having it but at the same time sha can't do without it. :cool:
If I had a Wee I would dig a hole in my shoe sole and hide it there, along with one extra battery for any emergency. :)

But I ordered a Raw instead because of the more focused beam.
I put split ring on, then put that on the "master" split ring my keys are on. Mine is a 25lm, but I plan on upgrading to the 50 and 100 just for kicks.
I have a Raw NS on my keys, and has been holding up well for over a year. I got mine on lighthound, so no trit but it's always there when I need some lumens. I'm trying to fight the urge to purchase a Ti Raw or Wee, but I don't know how long I can last...:(

I was wondering if any of you EDC either of these lights? Also is the Wee small enough for a key chain light and if so how well does the finish hold up against the keys day after day? I was also wondering if there is a domestic source for buying these lights?

I've been using a Raw ti as a keyring light for quite a while. I think it's plenty small enough. In fact, though I don't know about the Wee, I think that if you go any smaller than a Raw, you won't have enough light to be useful. Obviously, like almost all such issues, this answer is highly subjective.
I usually carry a Fenix LOD/LD01 but my second most carried pocket light is the Raw NS. It's probably a little too big for a front pocket in business attire but for street clothes it's just fine. I also like the NS because when it gets any scratches I can polish them right out.