What did you use your flashlight for today?


Jun 10, 2015
I was playing Pokemon Go at a park at night. There was one path that had no lighting connecting two well lit paths, including one area where people were hanging out at a very nice game location.
So I was walking along back out when I saw a family with younger kids all playing together. The kids wanted to go over to the other area on the other side of the dark path, but the mother was concerned about the dark path.
I ended up using my 2AA Maglite Pro to light the path and had a nice chat with them. The kids were super excited! The parents thanked me and went herding the young ones. :p


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Used 3 lights today in work for various tasks. Started using my T10s a little more, has to be on high mode though and fed on a loop! . Swapped the 14500 over for now as the high on 4.2v fuel is too high! medium i could get away with though ............digressing
Used the Xtar tz20 to spot through perspex and watch flights go around to trace a noise, several flights were bent and required fixing. Close up work(removing, straightening etc) the L2T housing a p60vnT nichia 219C came in, flooded the area and aided me finding a very small counter sunk screw!!!

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Mar 5, 2010
St. Louis, MO
Last night had a storm roll in causing the power to flicker quite a few times. While I was in the bathroom the power went out. I thought to myself "this is just great...I already took my HDS of my belt and my Thrunite Ti Titanum out of my pocket!" Then I remembered my Spy hanging around my neck. Power came back on, but I used the Spy to navigate my way to and from our 3 seasons room watching the storm so I didn't have to turn any lights on.


Apr 18, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Just used my H600w (Mk I) to completely tear apart my laptop, which has been running hot lately. Got it all apart, cleaned out any dust bunnies I could find (especially the ones blocking the CPU radiator) and figured meh... while I'm in here, might as well re-thermal paste the CPU and GPU heat sinks. I even managed to put it back together without any left over parts - not even one screw!

And... worked like a charm! Idle temperatures now about 15o​C cooler, and about 20+ degrees cooler under heavy load. Not to mention the fan isn't screaming for mercy any more either.


Feb 28, 2006
One of the most important tasks any handheld flashlight will ever have: avoiding decomposing dog doo on the ground, after dark.


Mar 31, 2016
I didn't use my flashlight, per say, but rather knowledge that I have picked up in this forum. I was on a job to install our IPDSL service for a custome when he noticed the knife on my hip that started the converstion. He apparently has an affinity for CASE knives, and quite the collection. An impressive collection I may say. Well that led to talking about fixed balde knives. I mentioned a 1964 Puma White Hunter that I have from my Grandfather, and he got giddy! He has a newer model of that knife, and has used it to skin many deeer.

The conversation led from knives to flashlights after that. I presented the HDS and 2 Malkoff lights that I had on me...He then mentioned that he had a flashlight that he had received from his father's estate that he cherished. I asked if I may see it, thinking that he may so "No", as it is a cherished posession from his father. To my surprise he said "Sure! Here it is!"...Althoug it's dead. It hasn't worked since I got it. "May I take a look at it?". He exclaimed as he handed it to me that it is a Leupold model that is apparently no longer produced, and I have tried to find a way to make it work again, but cannot find out anything about it.

Well, that rang a big bell in my head. I had just read This Thread about P60 Hosts. It happened to be a Leupold MX Series w/MX 100 bezel. I knew that I had seen it somewhere! Mind you, this light felt very impressive in hand. The switch was a bit abrupt, but I knew it was quality in a moment.

I had to finish installing his service to give him any further info, because I had zero cell service to bring it up on my phone. As soon as I had his servie up and running I said "and here it is!". Showing him that it is actulaly capable of receiving a P60 host of his choice. I explained what that means, and listed several sights where he may get them. I, of course, told him to go to candlepowerforums.com and enter "P60 Drop in" in the search bar before doing anything further. He can learn there, a great deal about bringin his father's light back to life.

P.S. He is rather handy, and has already proven that the switch has continuity. He is convinced that it is the bulb that is bad. "Well, Sir, you now have a means to revive your inherited, and cherished flashlight". He said "Thakn You Sir!", and shaked my hand rather vigorously. It was a good day for a flashaholic!


Feb 28, 2006
I used one to light the ends of what would become its lanyard, as I tied said ends. Tying two ends of 95lb paracord sheath together is not easy, since it doesn't really want to flex, both ends are the same color, and that color is dark. Some extra off-axis light from the flashlight itself helped a bunch. Now I just need an accommodating holster.


Mar 31, 2016
Typical use while providing residential internet service. Light the cabinet you're working in.

You can even tell the difference between blue and green in the pic with the Nichia 219b.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Great stuff Tex ,~200lm of nichia goodness is more than enough for most tasks/uses as really its for more closer up stuff anyway.

Used my mule as always to do some maintenance, a little tint course i ran too on a fellow work colleague. Laughing and not knowing, i showed him an Xtar cool white, then a nichia 219B triple, straight away he understood about tints as before this a torch is a torch!. Not converted yet, but in time i am sure he will look at the slightly warmer tint way of illumination and away from washed out cold. xml u2(which tbh is not actually too bad of a cool tint compared to others!) By that i mean i could actually use it in work other than being a little too throwy/concentrated hot spot.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Not your typical use of a flashlight scenario.

At work the topic of 'gun free zone signs' came up. The new company policy is to post signs that say "gun and dangerous object free facility", which we joked 'the sitting duck policy'.

One guy says "what's a dangerous object?".... I quipped "inkpens, staplers and flashlights."... "Flashlights?" was asked.
I was on a roadside project where those orange barrels in various places. One had a half full bottle of water sitting on top.

Pulling out my PK PR-1 and going into David vs Goliath mode, I hurled it at the water bottle about 20' away "POW!!!"
An OP says "yep, flashlights are dangerous objects." lol.

Shortly after the conversation turned to those awesome flashlights as seen on tv. Doh!!!


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
:laughing: so it was wasted , throwing the PK and all for nothing as the x800 has marketing *beep* behind it that lots believe...............

Crazy really, to think this year a rip off merchant(clever granted) bought a load of chinese junk for $3 a piece, added some engraving, crazy % mark up and probably sold more than HDS and malkoff together this year..................i bet 50% of the buyers are happy too ,not knowing anything different unless found out via the tube:crazy:


Aug 27, 2006
:laughing: so it was wasted , throwing the PK and all for nothing as the x800 has marketing *beep* behind it that lots believe...............

Crazy really, to think this year a rip off merchant(clever granted) bought a load of chinese junk for $3 a piece, added some engraving, crazy % mark up and probably sold more than HDS and malkoff together this year..................i bet 50% of the buyers are happy too ,not knowing anything different unless found out via the tube:crazy:

And most of us remember who he was. Thankfully, my wallet didn't get lighter back then. (Well, not due to him anyway. :eek: )


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Guess I shoulda been more detailed about the conversation about the tv light. I was surrounded by burely construction workers who when they aren't putting giant pipe way down in the ground, building bridges or making moutains into mole hills, they play just as hard.
Serious bear hunters, mountain climbers, drag racers, or other generally burley off hours adventures...

Needless to say they were making fun of those lights seen on tv. But up until this morning they'd never seen a flashlight like the PR-1. So their gut reaction was that I had one from those tv comercials.
None knew who PK is but all knew the name SureFire. So when I told them who PK is the conversation changed back to work.
Fact is the Inspector (me) is not supposed to have something as bad@$$ as them, much less even more bad@$$... I have the job just below Engineer.
These guys think engineers are only good for driving trains and inspectors say 'I don't know how to do your job but my book says you're doing it wrong.'... and most folks I run into do not know I used to do their job, but my job pays better. lol.