What did you use your flashlight for today?


Feb 21, 2003
You got your priorities right. Lights and batteries in the "climate controlled" car, and kids in roof rack. Lol.



Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Tonight I'm using a 2aaa minimag clipped to my shirt pocket bezel up.

I bought it about a year ago for the wife to use. It has been in a cup with a bunch of Sharpies ever since.

Frankly I'd never tried one even though I gave away a bunch at Christmas.

Resting in a shirt pocket bezel up it is top heavy but the clip is keeping it in place when I bend over. Bezel down is probably best. (Reversed now... yep much better)
The clip lets you decide.
I forget how many lumens it is. I'm guessing around 100. It is a lot brighter than my Microstream. Yet no need to dial it down like my PR-1 PK light for general use.

You pull it out like an inkpen, twist the head about a quarter turn with one hand and it provides a nice wide spot with a bunch of spill. Great for generally lighting up a good 10' (3meter) swath up to 25' away.
If need be you can dial in the beam for a more throwy spot.
Where I'm working the 4 spot light plant rivals the sun. But being portable means lots of shadows without night adapted vision. This little light is ideal for lighting all those shadows cast in areas I want to see better.

Pretty neat little flashlight. Hopefully the wife doesn't want to use it now... 'cause she's outta luck.

The portable sunshine

Are they done here?
Thats my job. To ensure cloth has completely wrapped around a square of gravel for subsurface water removing.
Plus a 1' overlap of the cloth supposed to happen.
Cannot tell without assistance of a flashlight.

Gap is no bueno...
Welp, they still have work to do. Dealing with these fellows is easy. They want it right also. So they gladly cut a strip of cloth and fixed the problem.

One fellow said "dam, thats a Maglite?" lol.
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Mar 31, 2016
With the rainy skies we've had in my part of Texas lately its a bit dark in the back of my work vehicle. I used my HDS to check my fiber splice kit before getting to work on a job.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Tonights session involved using a Streamlight Sidewinder - Rescue version. A Molly light with articulating head instead of the normal fixed right angle kind.

Shown versus a Bic lighter for scale.

Kinda like a Humvee versus a Willys Jeep.

Now using a Molly is nothing like using a regular tube shaped light with a beam at one end and tailcap at the other.

Well the Rescue is able to be used in a straight line like that. Yet it's like carrying a pack of cigarettes that emits light at one end.

Ok, I'm not military, police or a rescue worker, but just an average joe carrying a niche flashlight geared towards those folks... or perhaps profesional mountain climbers and those extreme adventure types who have their own tv show.

So being it just arrived, has an unfamiliar shape and feel along with switch location... it took a bit of getting used to. Not long mind you. Afterall a Molly is still a flashlight so it does what flashlights do.

I like that it turns on low. Maybe 7 lumens? Not many but very useful in complete darkness, yet if there is small amounts of light nearby... say a campfire, it still helps guide your path with a nice spot/spill combo. I suppose the thing that daunted me the most is it has 4 brightness settings. It uses the push n hold interface of Stingers and Strions. But I guess you could say low/med/hi/max....
Anyway it didn't take long to figure that out.

I really enjoyed using it in darkness, but when my duty required it light shadows caused by that light plant in previous entry... well the 50 some lumens fell short. Definitely not a daytime shadow lighter.

In darkness it's great for say 100-150'.

But hows the beam?
Glad you asked...

Color rendition is pretty accurate.

Big ole spot

Spot and spill have a near seamless blend.

The light also had a blue LED, a green LED and an IR LED.
I do not have IR gear so for all I know it doesn't even work.

The green is nice n bright without being a night vision killer. The blue would probably serve best for stealth when your IR gear hicups.

The sliding difusser makes it into a sorta lantern. I'd use it for bedside night stand 2am nature call- don't wake the Mrs duties.

For carry I slid it either in my back pocket or in the top (shirt pocket location) of my safety vest. Nothing too weighty about it but you know it is there.
The clip is like a new 50' tape measure clip... only even wider. So it puts up a fight to fasten it to your pocket. It is not meant for quickness, but for staying put. So I just didn't use it much.

When climbing into a manhole I fastened it knowing it was going to stay put while I bent over or climbed in and out.

I could definitely see this as an edc for some. Time will tell how often I use it. But like Stingers, Strions and my other Streamlights I'll know it'll be ready when I am and work everytime I need it to

Ok, gotta get back to work now...
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
So tonight at work out of the dark a perfect stranger walked up saying she had a flat tire.

It was only a few minutes later tools she had supplied in the trunk of her Camry were being used to install a donut.
Knowing my Microstream was not drool proof in past teeth hold technique uses, tonight was a chance to check out my rubber cement to the rubber button cover technique.
It worked. Woohoo!
Having all 3 PK models on my person at the time in this case meant 4 = 4. Never needed the backup, nor the backup to the backup, nor the backup to the backup-backup. Yay!!

The lady had her car fixed and I knew my Microstream is now drool proof. Win-win.
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2016
... I knew my Microstream is now drool proof. Win-win.

Although I wrapped some silicone tape around the end of my EDC (MT10C w/ EC11 tail cap), that will only prevent teeth from chipping not drool. However I have *really* come to appreciate the reversible pocket clip on this. Put it on backwards and it clips very nicely to a hat brim and while not 100% substitute for a good headlamp, it's about a 90% headlamp replacement with a ball cap which takes care of the drool factor...



May 7, 2016
^^ I had my microstream mounted the same way today working on my uncles lawn tractor. The garage it's in is detached and has no power so the only way to see in there is flashlights. Wouldn't start for us. After trying a few things it turned out that the fuel filter had been put on backwards. Once that was corrected all it took was a little coaxing and she fired right up. He's been using the same one since 89. I use the hat method pretty often because I usually wear a cap when wrenching on stuff and my microstream is always on me.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2011
Yeah that's a great technique when you don't have your headlamp with you. I've done that a few times with great success using a Fenix LD01.

My wife and her sister went for a walk over the weekend at dusk so I handed them my Fenix TK09 to take with them. It turns out that they didn't use it much to show their presence to cars, but they did have a great time finding bunnies on the way!

I'm planning on washing a couple cars tonight with my wife and then scrubbing off and painting over some rust so I bet we'll be out until around dusk. Looks like it will be great weather and a perfect time to use my Armytek Wizard Pro Warm to finish things up.


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Tonight we were enjoying a nice summer evening, until a car with badly aimed headlights parked right in front of us to allow the kids to catch a few Pokemon, blinding everyone in our group.

We asked if he could turn off his headlights for a while, and he just flipped us off. :( (Nice example for those kids... NOT)

So I grabbed my Fenix TK35 Ultimate Edition and lit up his windshield on full turbo. Now he got the message and turned off his lights.
When he drove off he cussed us out, spat at us (and missed, fortunately), and flipped us off once more.

The 'father of the year...' Sheesh.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Tonight we were enjoying a nice summer evening, until a car with badly aimed headlights parked right in front of us to allow the kids to catch a few Pokemon, blinding everyone in our group.

We asked if he could turn off his headlights for a while, and he just flipped us off. :( (Nice example for those kids... NOT)

So I grabbed my Fenix TK35 Ultimate Edition and lit up his windshield on full turbo. Now he got the message and turned off his lights.
When he drove off he cussed us out, spat at us (and missed, fortunately), and flipped us off once more.

The 'father of the year...' Sheesh.

Mean people suck!

Good on you with the flashlight.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Tonight we were enjoying a nice summer evening, until a car with badly aimed headlights parked right in front of us to allow the kids to catch a few Pokemon, blinding everyone in our group.

We asked if he could turn off his headlights for a while, and he just flipped us off. :( (Nice example for those kids... NOT)

So I grabbed my Fenix TK35 Ultimate Edition and lit up his windshield on full turbo. Now he got the message and turned off his lights.
When he drove off he cussed us out, spat at us (and missed, fortunately), and flipped us off once more.

The 'father of the year...' Sheesh.
He's lucky that TK wasn't mounted on top of an AK.
Or maybe YOU are lucky... or you might have been tempted to use it.

Yeah... some people, just don't get it.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2016
Chasing my dog through the brush! We were out for a walk the other night and he chased a rabbit into the brush. A black dog in the brush at night isn't the easiest thing to see lol.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
After a couple of weeks at night work and using 100% LED lights it dawned on me that I did some Maglite hotwires in March that utilized stock parts, solar lamp rechargeables and more cell mag bi-pins. They were used for dog walking and stuff but had been indoors all summer 'cepts for the ROP 2C.

So tonight I brought a 2C outfitted with a pair of solar lamp 18500's and a 4 cell bipin bulb. Other than that it is all stock.

When I used it to compete with the light plant I soon realized how I miss those incan lights. It did the trick while providing that slightly warm glow only an incan can do with fresh cells.

Thing is, all of those construction workers appreciated the light I'd use to light shadows that caused them to struggle. Yet not once was I asked about them.

Tonight I was asked a birage of questions about my brighter than normal 2C Maglite though. I thought that was pretty nifty.

How I prefer the beam dialed.

Lots of spill from that big Magflector

Throw isn't bad at all for a nearly stock 2C Mag.
Those white things are 3' tall grade stakes. Trees are in the distance.
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 20, 2016
The Mountains (they were calling....)
Tonight we were enjoying a nice summer evening, until a car with badly aimed headlights parked right in front of us to allow the kids to catch a few Pokemon, blinding everyone in our group.

We asked if he could turn off his headlights for a while, and he just flipped us off. :( (Nice example for those kids... NOT)

So I grabbed my Fenix TK35 Ultimate Edition and lit up his windshield on full turbo. Now he got the message and turned off his lights.
When he drove off he cussed us out, spat at us (and missed, fortunately), and flipped us off once more.

The 'father of the year...' Sheesh.
+1. Some people....

When people drive past me yelling insults for no reason when I'm out walking at night, I like to hit them with a nice tactical strobe. Freaks them out and it's better than yelling back or getting pissed off.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
After a couple of weeks at night work and using 100% LED lights it dawned on me that I did some Maglite hotwires in March that utilized stock parts, solar lamp rechargeables and more cell mag bi-pins. They were used for dog walking and stuff but had been indoors all summer 'cepts for the ROP 2C.

So tonight I brought a 2C outfitted with a pair of solar lamp 18500's and a 4 cell bipin bulb. Other than that it is all stock.

When I used it to compete with the light plant I soon realized how I miss those incan lights. It did the trick while providing that slightly warm glow only an incan can do with fresh cells.

Thing is, all of those construction workers appreciated the light I'd use to light shadows that caused them to struggle. Yet not once was I asked about them.

Tonight I was asked a birage of questions about my brighter than normal 2C Maglite though. I thought that was pretty nifty.
Nice nifty story! :)
I'm glad that you are enjoying your incans. :thumbsup: