What did you use your flashlight for today?


Aug 9, 2011
Cash, Texas
Well last night was some different, I took my German Shepherd out before bed and when I shined my light in the front yard (4 acres) noticed she was running toward something, I went to max, magnum,turbo mode as fast as I could and saw a SKUNK!, it was about 100 yds, the bright light of my Thrunite TN11 worked on the skunk as he turned from the bright light, my Shepherd came back to me and all was well, no hrs cleaning up dog from skunk!!
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Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2010
South Central New Jersey, USA
Now that's called making yourself visible on the road! Many cyclists in my city ride during evening/night without lighting devices at all, and that's sheer madness IMO.



Thanks Tam. Yea, it works pretty well. Flashlights mounted on handlebars are great, but are limited to being seen from, and seeing, directly ahead. In some lighting conditions like just after sunset, riders become invisible even with powerful lights from a 90° angle. Since the little Liteflux isn't effective as a straight ahead mount, having it flashing inside the amber pill bottle really helps to be seen from all directions. Plus when it's mounted on my lid, I can point it in the direction where it will do the most good.

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2011
Used my Fenix LD 10 when going out to hunt moose. Went to my post when it was still dark. Saturday evening I used it on a Silva hedband together with L" for light when skinning a moosecalf in the dark.



Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2011
Staffordshire, UK
Went for a cig on my break at work, the place I need to go to is rather dark and so's the walk in places, used my recently-received Xtar TZ-50 to chase the darkness away! Pretty good thrower, even on the low setting :D

I'm staying at my mother's house tonight to make sure my sister who had a fall recently is OK, went in the garden for a fag and used my Fenix LD-01SS to look for a hedgehog that's often in their garden - no luck sadly today!


Aug 27, 2006
Trying to dig through my luggage in the back of a rental car with no dome light. Ahhh flashlights.

That reminds me. A couple of days ago, I used my LEDLenser T7 with silver-colored body to look for my baseball cap I keep in the trunk of my car. Used it on high-mode. I keep that LL as my car light because it's not the best quality. Ironically, the beam profile is excellent when set to flood. And, the belt pouch for it is very well-made.

My trunk light works, but I've found it too dim for searching through the trunk. It does a barely decent job of lighting up the inside. Not nearly good enough for searching for items.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 29, 2006
Used my Fenix PD30 to look for the bottle of SuperGlue after the cat attack the wife's nightstand. It fell under the bed and gotten lost in DustBunnyLand.


Oct 2, 2002
With the lanyard and flashlight securely attached to the helmet, I slide the bottle into a velcro strap made into a loop at the front and side of the helmet. Here it sits, turned off, while ambient light and visibility are good:

Quite nice, just don't attach it to your helmet - you don't want to have anything on it that may squish your brain if you should ever fall right onto it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2008
Reading with H51w


Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2011
Its dark here now at morgning as the autumn sets in and i used my Fenix LD 10 on the bicykle going to work. I drove it turbo 132 lumen and this is the first lamp I had on the bike that actually gives me some light to see with. Before I had lamps that just makes me visible and gives a small beam just in front of the stearing wheel.
Tonight going home from work it will be dark again and the Fenix have to work.



Newly Enlightened
Sep 20, 2011
Went Cub Scout camping. My Zebras (one H and one SC) worked marvelously. The low lows were wonderful working the fire. The turbo quieted some kids who were up later than proper.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
close to U.N.A.
Accidentally dropped my Quark MiniAA from 10' on a ladder. Now the light will not operate properly. Contacted 4sevens customer service later and said they would fix it. I enjoy using the miniAA but now I know ( or should have known) that it would not survive a fall like that compared to a Ra or Muyshondt, IMHO. Like I said, still love the little bugger.


Aug 27, 2006
Going on a long walk. Neighborhood was in Long Island. Translation = So dim that if there was an actual blackout, no one would even notice for about an hour.

Pulled out my Milky-modded black E2E with E2D tailcap and Seoul P4 emitter stuffed into a KL1 head. Used it to illuminate objects all along the sidewalk. At one time, thought I was about to step on a huge worm. Turned out to be vegetation.

220+ plus lumens out the front works a bit too well when the beam bounces back into your eyes reflecting off of the sidewalk.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 21, 2011
Just wandering home from the swimming pool :huh:

Get to pass quite a few really dark unlit bits where a 1200 lumen RRT3 flash light is utter overkill, but by golly it makes me smile having it throw what seems like miles :eek::devil:

Now it's dark when I leave work I've turned my RRT3 into my EDC :lol:


Mar 15, 2011
Home of the Jayhawks - Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!
So last night we had 3 seperate parent/teacher meetings (YUCK) :huh: ((and I have good kids)) :shakehead. I told the younger two "STAY ON THE PLAYGROUND OR WAIT BY THE FISH TANK" . . .. "okay mommy, we will" . . . naturally, 90 minutes later, they were Nowhere to be found. So the spouse stayed in the school near the fish tank and the eldest child and I and the trusty Gavina (who had been getting her picture taken in various places in the school :shakehead (my kids think I have "issues") took off outside on a "search and beat" mission. . . (not really. it was search and rescue, but I WANTED to beat them by the time they were found)) Anyway, we walked around the outside of that school for about 35 minutes with the Gavina lighting the way. It was VERY dark out and there are not many lights around there at night. My eldest yelled their names (she has the best lungs in the family) and I steamed and fumed. Finally I was quite chilled so we we went back in. By this point, many parents and teachers and Mr. Stouffer (yes, the PRINCIPAL) :( are all looking for MY children. (oh the shame). So finally my good child says . . . "maybe, just maybe . . . " and takes off running full speed ahead. At this point I'm becoming worried and I don't want another kid out of my sight. But I tried to remain calm. . . But in fact, her hunch was correct!! The onery children were "hiding" in the computer room playing games on the laptop. Now, I say hiding because there were NO lights on in the room. It was pitch dark except for the faint glow in the back of the room down behind the teachers desk on the floor . . . they were using the laptop on the floor under the teachers desk because it was plugged to the wall charging for the night and they didn't want to unplug it and sit like normal people at a desk on a chair. . . and I suppose it is WAY more fun and definitely way more sneaky to hide under the teachers desk and play with the laptop and scare the crud out of your family (and most of the teachers and yes, even Mr. Stouffer by this time. . . ). And, they didn't have the light in the room on "because we we're not sure we were SUPPOSED to be in there, so we didn't anyone to walk by and look in . . . " RIGHT. :devil:
So, I was very relieved and very angry and a bit tearful when they were discovered. They will not EVER be doing that type of thing again (I know . . . but it makes ME feel better to say it. . . ).
The really cool thing for me was that the Gavina was the hit of the night. It made the outside search possible because it was way too dark out there to have searched without a good light. Gracie was a little upset that I didn't have another light with me. In fact , she said "Okay mommy, maybe you're not so weird to always have a light on you . . . " Gee thanks kid. They sure know how to feed the self esteem!!! I did have 3 different parent groups ask to see that "pretty little light' after the girls were found and sitting quietly by the fishtank. . . . one Dad, who just lives down the street (he is a very cool neighbor) said "OH. I see you will be a worthy opponent for flashlight tag" YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I could hardly sleep I was so excited about that. We've got a date tonight!!!!

So the Gavina came through in all her beauty. It was a very quiet ride home . . . I think the little two could smell the tension and fear that the adults , and even their sister, had when we couldn't find them. . .
The little darlings are still sleeping. We will be having a long talk this afternoon though . . . right before we rake a huge pile of leaves and play a diving game or two. I'm sure a light will be involved. Stay tuned to the PICS thread for a snapshot or three!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 22, 2006
Maybe Wisconsin, maybe near Nürnberg
Several times a day I use a "dust-buster" and a flashlight of 100-200+ lumens to pick up the cat litter and dust tracked all over the floor between the litter boxes (3) and the stairs between the basement and 1st floor. I lay a flashlight on the floor and the litter particles reflect the light nicely for a "dust-buster" pass. My one daughter left 2 young cats when she took off to medical school - in addition to the older cat for my wife. and I clean up the litter, but I have a justifiable reason for using my too-many lights!