What do you do When it doesnt work . (just for kicks)

Your light doesnt seem to be working, what is the FIRST thing you do.

  • Just Grab another one

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • Bang it against my hand

    Votes: 23 21.9%
  • Bang it against something else

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Look into the light outputting end to see if there is light

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • Switch the switch more (twistys too)

    Votes: 13 12.4%
  • Put it on the charger

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Push harder and harder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tighten the threads (front or back)

    Votes: 24 22.9%
  • Check the batteries (or put others in)

    Votes: 21 20.0%
  • Other (i will tell you in my post)

    Votes: 5 4.8%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
Just for fun here, this poll is to find out what the FIRST thing you do when you flashlight for whatever reason doesnt turn on as expected.
the very first thing only, sorry only one vote, so make it what you have done the most.
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I haven't had a light fail in so long I can't honestly remember what I'd do. My friend has an L2T that needs a good smack every once in a while to change output levels.
Rather than tighten the threads, I loosen and THEN tighten, just to make sure sure every thing is seated correctly. Works more often than not.

Wow KeyGrip, no light failures in a long while. Cool.
My first thought was to bang it with my hand. But it depends on which light it is and how it operates. Some light I would throw as hard as I can in the floor...Others I will loosen the head and tailcap and tighten then try again.
My derelight clh1 have a tailcap clicky that wont go on some times, the only thing that works is to bang it HARD against something! I dont recommend that if you dont want to risk damagin your light completely. But if the d@mn thing wont light up when I press the button, then Its no biggy if the rest of it get banged up. I have tried to fix it, but It will work when it wants to, and thats most of the time...
I usually loosen and tighten whatever can be loosened or tightened. After that I check and or change the battery. The odd time I may slap it around a bit though.
Now that I am using quality flashlights, failures are very rare indeed. The last one I had to use the old hand-slap for was a Mag 2D ROP. There must have been a little dirt caught between the contacts of the cells, and the short, sharp slap was enough to dislodge it.
I check the threads and then loosen and tighten and try again. If it does not work then I check cells and keep going on down the list of items to check.
Swear at it, try the switch a few times, swear some more, dismantle it, accidentally drop some parts on the floor, swear quite a lot more...
Swear at it, try the switch a few times, swear some more, dismantle it, accidentally drop some parts on the floor, swear quite a lot more...

How well does that usually work out for you? :sssh:
Kind of pointless, but the ABSOLUTELY first thing I do is to look at the business end of the light. Don't know why, probably just a reflex.
I go check the batts....then the business end. Usually for leds, worst nightmare if one puts the batteries the wrong way round!
Well most of my lights have a clikie or at least momentary on push like clikie, in which case I would click on, hmm..... it did'nt work, click off and repeat. If that doesent work I open it up, take out the batt, wipe both ends, assemble and never after that did a light never at least flicker back on.

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