What do you have on your keychain? (Flashlights and whatever)


Dec 11, 2006
A quick search didn't turn up anything like this and I'm a pretty curious person. Therefore, I just wanted to start a thread about what you guys might have on your keychains that aren't keys. Such as bottle openers, SAKs, or lights.

I'll start off by just saying that I have two Photons, a red, and a UV that's out of batteries. Kinda wanna replace them with something else though, something more useful.
An Arc aaa-p (DS) and a old U.S. army P-38 can opener (greatest tool ever)
Since I carry my keyes in my frontpocket I like to keep them as light as possible, so I only have keyes, keytag(info if I lose my keyes), magnet tag thingie for entering computer and lab rooms at school and a 1991 Falcon Gammelbryggd bottle opener(we dont have twisties here).
@Lobo: Is the magnet thing you're talking about about the size of a credit card? If so, I got one of those things too, but mine is in my wallet.
@Lobo: Is the magnet thing you're talking about about the size of a credit card? If so, I got one of those things too, but mine is in my wallet.

No, it's a pretty small tag, and it's intended to be worn on a keychain and held in front of the electronic lock when you want to enter. Haven't actually seen that type before. We have regular magnet cards also, but those go to other places.
Fenix P1D-CE, inexpensive laser pointer, Leatherman Squirt P4, 2Gb flash drive and a unique identifier that allows someone to hand my keys in to a police station and get a £10 reward. This would ensure my keys come back, not sure that the toys would still be attached though.
Leatherman micra
spyderco ladybug
coin cell light
mini oil lighter
Fenix L0D CE
mini sharpie
...and a unique identifier that allows someone to hand my keys in to a police station and get a £10 reward. This would ensure my keys come back, not sure that the toys would still be attached though.

LOL, I just checked the company that's behind my keytag, EuroKeyTag (got it from a friend a while ago who knew someone who knew someone who ran a keytag company) and apparently that company doesnt exist anymore. Good thing I saw this thread. :ohgeez:
Anyway, what kind of company do you use? And does it only work in the UK, or whole europe?
Very little. All that little bit of weight adds up during bumps and sooner or later could screw up the ignition contacts. Just an alarm fob and the ignition key on mine.
A DX fauxton attached to a Nite tritium glowring, and a Swiss Tech Utili-Key hidden amongst the keys. Inka Pen, Leatherman Micra, Fenix L0D on my 'tool' keychain tucked away into the right jeans pocket, in the little key pocket.
Some keys, Arc AAA-P, and an aluminium capsule containing ear plugs and some head-ache medicine. Also a pouch that I put the above-mentioned stuff in to protect my pockets from the keys. I've had it with patching up my pockets.
LOL, I just checked the company that's behind my keytag, EuroKeyTag (got it from a friend a while ago who knew someone who knew someone who ran a keytag company) and apparently that company doesnt exist anymore. Good thing I saw this thread. :ohgeez:
Anyway, what kind of company do you use? And does it only work in the UK, or whole europe?

It is by a company called 'KeyCare', so I hope they are not the same. It basically includes key and lock insurance. If the keys go missing and do not return, the locks on my house and car will all be changed for free.
On my keychain is an Arc-AAA Premium Camo edition. It serves as a backup emergency light so it does not get much use. The Arc-AAA DS Premium in my left front pocket sees more use.
On my keyring I have a P-38 and a Photon II(white).Attached to the car remote are a Red Photon Freedom and a Photon I UV.Photons are great for keyrings they are lightweight and add very little bulk to your keychain. :D

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