What does your crystal ball see for Peak and Arc


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Are they ramping up for a surprise comeback? Don`t hear to much about them anymore.
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Fenix has certainly been a trailblazer, bringing products to market at lightning speed and receiving the reward of my disposable income. I probably own close to 10 of the things, and just ordered an L2D CE.

I don't know what the deal is with Arc. Peter G is great, and is revered around here by many of the old timers, but it sure would be nice to see a new product or 3 from him. Arc seems to be a small, boutique operation and may lack either the capital or the desire to move at faster than a turtle's pace. Thats too bad, because Fenix has taken (and earned) the lion's share of the Mojo.

Couldn't tell you about Peak, as they just don't float my boat.

Yeah, I really liked my ArcAAA. The quality on it is outstanding. But it doesn't even compare to the new Fenix lights. Very unfortunate, but ever so true. If Arc would come out with something new that was competitive, they would reclaim the keychain, no problem.

I have 1 Peak flashlight, I *think* its in my car. It is a prototype. Very much resembles the old ArcAAA and the quality is a little less than it. Otherwise I don't look at Peak very much.

x2 on the Arcs. I like mine a lot, but the last related purchase I'll be making is the millermod 2-stage cree head. After that, there's just too many brighter lights out there to spend anymore on Arc. It took Arc quite a while to build a following outside of CPF, and if they wait much longer to upgrade they'll lose what momentum/traction they've gained, as the newer brighter cheaper lights will bury them. They'll alway be popular here at CPF, but I'm thinking you need a larger customer base than CPF to make a viable long-term business.
Let's see . . . .

My crystal ball sez that Peak will:

- Eventually UPDATE their obscure, confusing website

- Eventually release their 2AA cell body for the Pacific
(or, who knows, maybe they finally DID, but it's still not listed on the GD website)

- and finally, when i asked my crystal ball WHEN will these things come to pass . . . .

- it replied . . . .

- Server is Busy, Try Again Later
Honestly I don't see alot of good things for either of these two companies. For ARC it is because they move at such as slow pace that it isn't even funny. No new lights or real updates to their current (and only) light in over 2 years. The only thing keeping them alive is the die hard ARC groupies that will buy AAAP's just to keep them in business. :laughing: I highly doubt they will be able to live off the AAAP for all that much longer. New AAA Cree based lights are completely crushing the AAAP in all possible ways while costing even less. If they don't either get with the times and make an updated AAAP with a Cree or drop the price of the AAAP down to under $20 then I can see them going out of business. I mean how many people are willing to buy a keychain light for over $40 that is less bright than most small lights at walmart?

If Peak can come out with some Cree based lights that are fully regulated than they might be able to pull some things off. I noticed however that their new Titanium lights (which look AWESOME!) are all still using Luxeons. :thumbsdow I don't think many people other than Flashlight collectors are willing to pay $800 for a set of lights that are using outdated technology. Peak should make a new series of AAA,AA, and CR123 lights that use Cree's and are all fully regulated. Keep their current design and price them reasonable and they will sell like hotcakes. Alot of CPFers love the idea of a U.S company and will support them way before buying from anything overseas.
It's very difficult for US manufacturers to compete against the Chinese. The everyday "Merkan" works hard for his wages to keep his family happy. What little we have left over from purchasing necessities disappears darn quickly.
My kids often ask me why I bother to buy American made products when you can get something made in China for a fraction of the price?

The answere is I can't always afford to buy American, but I feel it's important to support our country in whatever way we can. Perhaps China wins out 7 or 8 times I go out to pick up something, but whenever it's financially possible, I will put my hard-earned $$$ on the home team.

That's why I will still buy Peak and ARC products as long as I can manage to do so.
Badbeams3 said:
Are they ramping up for a surprise comeback? Don`t hear to much about them anymore.
You may want to ask member AreWeThereYetDad, he is a part time Peak representative. I know that Peak has 50 limited edition sets of Ti lights. Each set has 4 Ti lights. I saw them at SHOT, and they are nice! :rock:

EDIT: Dad doesnt work for Peak anymore, sorry for the misinformation.
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The Fenix lights have higher specs and features than the Arc/Peak/HDS/Surefire/whatever but with nowhere near the construction quality. The Fenixes are consumer electronics while those others are more like military hardware. Try comparing a consumer cellular phone with a police walkie talkie, or a cheap homeowner-model cordless drill from Wal-Mart with something that a contractor would use, or a home sewing machine to an industrial model. In all those cases, the consumer model will do more and cost less and probably represent better value for the consumer, but won't be nearly as durable or solid.

Arc and Peak won't win the general consumer market with their current approaches, but they didn't want that in the first place. As enthusiasts here on CPF, we like both consumer stuff and professional stuff, so Fenix and Arc have both been popular here. As a wimpy computer geek I love my Fenix lights. But, if I had to choose a light for a firefighter or military operator I'd stick with the hardcore stuff.
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mickeyo said:
It's very difficult for US manufacturers to compete against the Chinese. The everyday "Merkan" works hard for his wages to keep his family happy. What little we have left over from purchasing necessities disappears darn quickly.
My kids often ask me why I bother to buy American made products when you can get something made in China for a fraction of the price?

The answere is I can't always afford to buy American, but I feel it's important to support our country in whatever way we can. Perhaps China wins out 7 or 8 times I go out to pick up something, but whenever it's financially possible, I will put my hard-earned $$$ on the home team.

That's why I will still buy Peak and ARC products as long as I can manage to do so.

My sentiments exactly, which is why I plan to buy a new SF Cree, later this year, even if it cost a bit more.

I also wonder how much money ARC left on the table, because no new AA ARC was ever produced, in spite of repeated request, from numerous CPF'ers.
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My guess: Arc will get bought out and become a line of Peak's. Peak will stop manufacturering in the US and become a distributor of lights made in China, either directly from the factory under their own name or in partnership with Lumapower or Fenix or someone.

Like global overpopulaton, it's not a happy prediction, it's just my guess....
Raven said:
I also wonder how much money ARC left on the table, because no new AA ARC was ever produced, in spite of repeated request, from numerous CPF'ers.

would have been a lot.
My predictions:

Arc will create a project so secret that nobody will know about it, the light won't be send to testers and the website will not listed, you won't be able to buy it and they will deny the existance of such a light. But it will be a great light!

Peak will win the "worst website of the year" award.

I think they'll both get on the stick soon with some Cree offerings. There's still plenty of money for them to take from us poor saps. They will make hay while their good names still mean something.
