What is the origin of your screen-name?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2008
I spent alot of time in the summers when growing up on Long Island Sound. And when the bluefish were "in," well, we pretty much got obsessed with them. To this day, there are few things (besides my 5-year-old son) that will put as big a grin on my face as a nice big bluefish.

Hamilton Felix

Jan 2, 2010
Marblemount, WA, USA
Read Heinlein's "Beyond This Horizon," and you'll know. It's not his best, but it introduces several interesting concepts, and is pretty impressive for 1942. I identify strongly with the first quote below. I also have the same birthday as the guy who wrote the Second Amendment, not to mention Bill of Rights, so it's not suprising my hotmail address is madison_6 at hotmail.

"Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. For me, politeness is a sine qua non of civilization."
--Robert A. Heinlein, supporting character, Claude Mordan to protagonist, Hamilton Felix, in "Beyond This Horizon," copyright 1942, Street Publications

"The police of a State should never be stronger or better armed than the citizenry. An armed citizenry, willing to fight is the foundation of civil freedom."
-- Claude Mordan (RAH--Beyond This Horizon)

"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child.
So I waive immunity and claim my right – I go armed."
--Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein

RedForest UK

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2009
I couldn't really think of anything special or clever, and didnt want to try something really weird because id have to be able to remember it.
But i've been a lifelong supporter of Nottingham Forest FC, who are nicknamed the 'reds' plus i always feel at home in the woods, and have done quite a few bushcraft courses in my life.
I also thought its quite important on this forum for people to know where youre based so they dont recommend american dealers who dont ship to the UK to me or anything, which is always annoying..

So there you go: RedForest UK


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 9, 2006
I live in Essex and I'm a man, well that's the short answer.

It was meant as a ironic joke when I took the name, see this link to understand what an Essexman is.

Now I'm stuck with the name, here and on a few other forums :eek:

Worse still, I've found there are others who go under the usename "Essexman". I was PMed by a guy who thought he new me from a bike forum, but it was another Essexman.


May 3, 2007
Mine just came to me when I registered here 3 years ago. I have no idea why I chose that name.

I wish I could change it now for a couple of reasons.

1. What are the odds that a well respected custom maker of flashlights would have a very similar username (Barbarin)? I have received PM's from other CPF members thinking that I was Javier.

2. I think some members don't want to deal with me because of my username perhaps thinking that I am in fact barbaric. My avatar (Tuco) might not do me any favors either, but he is staying. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make
quick answer is found in my sig line.. makin sense is not my priority..

longer story:
originally i tried to get a email account.. (in stone age of 1997 or something) and all that i wanted were taken.. so i got bored and fustrated and called it bah humbug.. and eventually as i typed franticly and pissed off i made a typo.. and hmmbug was available, so i took that.

then later i went to irc chat rooms that asked for a screen name.. as i knew i was going there only to goof around and have fun.. couldnt take something serious and cool name.. more like something that would make a point that im not serious about anything and still rather easy to write with one hand/finger.. so hmmbug followed there.. and then they asked for a backup nickname..

well. nonsense is close relative to hummbug.. and as hmmbug was misspelled.. so the backupnick became missspelled too.. Nonsence..

the high case letters came as a joke too.. in one place i used to hang out there was constant heated arguements which martial art was the best.. so i decided to make a point too.. picking a name NonSensei..

and it looked better with NonSenSe (and as some places back then didnt allow more letters than 8 in a nick they dropped the last "i" often) and miss spelling and typos are too common in my typing.. i chose to go by NonSenCe in many forums.

see.. making hardly any sence here.

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
Cool thread!

My nickname came from my job + my initials.

I´m a federal agent, and my name´s initial is LG.


Alex K.

Newly Enlightened
Jan 6, 2010
Interesting to know the story behind everyone's user name. Mine's just my name.lovecpf


Jun 5, 2007
London, UK
Mine was my pen name when I used to write in message boards in London free-ads papers from 1985 until the late 90's. Yes actual paper. Before the internet! You had to wait a week before you got your replies, and you only got 50 words per message. Although it seems positively stone age now, it was fun and exciting back then, and quite an underground thing to do. I made a lot of good friends. At one stage we even started our own paper, but it was really a format just waiting for the Web to be invented. Once I moved away from the paper medium I'd been Tomcat for so long that it was natural to continue it as a screen name for online forums and message boards.

The avatar of course is based on the original used for the Tomcat aircraft. I was a big aviation nut and as the F-14 was (is) my favourite warplane, I used the cat as my personal logo from about 1983 when I was doing graphics and offset litho printing. I was always testing new inks and papers and a standardised clean graphic was useful for comparison, so I drew a number of variations on the cat theme which became my logo. By happy coincidence, all the finished test materials just happened to bear my logo and so couldn't be used for anything other than my personal stationery. Hey, I was recycling before I even knew it! :whistle:


Mar 24, 2007
north carolina
As if not self explanatory, I own many guns (my other hobby), kind of came from my dad, he always says i have enough artillery to start a war, just seemed appropriate.

As for the avatar, I loved the punisher movie, and i have a set of punisher grips on my 1911. :cool:


Newly Enlightened
Jul 28, 2009
Mine is what my wife tells me when i try to talk to her about anything that deals with this site. lol

At lest my 4 and 5 year old boys listen to me :twothumbslmao

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