What is your most expensive light?


May 18, 2006
I don't know if there was ever a thread like this. But here goes...

As the title says, what is your most expensive flashlight?

For me it is my Rayzorlite HID & it costed me $525. That isn't much though compared to other HID lights. :whistle:
As far as a "bought" light: ModaMags Draco with Cree LED - around $175 for the package.
But for a home-built light: around $270 for my Quad Cree XR-E in one of FiveMegas custom hosts.
Bought:Used E2D & rechargeables, bulbs, etc.
Homebrew:Frustrating SSC head for said E2D(I've managed to burn up/break $60 of parts so far grrrrrrrrrrrrr) I'm in too deep to just give up
Catapult said:
My most expensive light? That would be the television set!

:lolsign: I find it hard justifying lights that you can't EDC and produce low lumens.
Fenix L0D-CE ($44) and Lumapower M1 ($80), my first, and second most used lights respectively. Most of my other multitude of lights are cheaper (<$40) store-bought lights, such as MagLites and drop in modules, or Chinese lights (DX, Kaidomain etc.), many of which I bought solely in order to modify.
Apparently, the chronic sufferers of flashaholicism haven't posted yet. I'm only at the acute stage of fashaholicism. My most expensive is a SF L6 that has since been modded by CM with a Cree P4. Hopefully I'll have enough funds for an ElektroLumens creation soon.
my most expensive flashlight is my surefire M4 that I bouhgt for about 423€ (561 USD)
Elektrolumes My Little Friend 3xSSC-P4 $120
Elektrolumes My Little Friend 3xLuxIII $110

EDIT 04-09-2008
Elektrolumes Minimak 14500 $100
Fenix L0D-CE

EDIT 01-11-2009
Elektrolumes M@g 3C P7 $139
Elektrolumes EDC-P7 $139

MillerMods AAA-XRE $120 recieved
Last edited:

My 2nd and 3rd A2 Aviators... after buying them, I just couldn't stop!!! 7 A2's later, I'm thinking that maybe I need to slow down a bit - at least until my credit card limit is raised! :D

Best wishes,
sigh...chicken, I think I might be catching the A2 flu from you (hey! that rhymed!) I've been looking at a good deal at tactical supply where I can pay 20 bucks less than the MSRP of the A2, and get around 80 worth of accessories (carriers, lamps)

have a good one,
Gatlight V3 :rock:
(At least I've paid for it... and good things come to those who wait.)

Other than that...
UK Lightcannon
Black Diamond Solaris (Headlamp)
ROP (2 AW C Li-Ions... Haven't bought a good charger for the batts yet either)
Uhhmm :thinking:

Maxablaster ofcource: That one costed me about $2000, and thats only for the ingredients!!

Guess I'm a flashaholic... I think...


my M3T was about about $200.00 gun mount pressure switch and spare bulbs, my HK UTL pistol light -back when it was the only thing of its kind....about.......$225.00!