What kind of LED has the widest beam?


Oct 11, 2005
Austin Indiana, USA
I'm looking to buy a few LED's but I need ones that have a really wide beam. Also could someone tell me a good place to buy LED's, optics, and drivers.


ya them moon things, jupiters, and pihranas are all pretty wide. almost anything can be sanded or just clipped, or dremmeled.
a standard china 5mm led you can take a pair of wire cutters to the tip of it and in seconds its no longer aiming anywhere :) really it works, especially if you got a few extra to get the technique down.

at this place they sell "inverted cone" ?? whatever that is, if you click on the pic it takes you to thier "discrete" leds, there is every color of inverted dome.

a Fat 8-10mm Quad die, would have a lot of power, and it can be scortched , sanded, smoked, taped, they are generally wider due to the 4 dies.
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I guess 5 watt Luxeons have a pretty wide beam since they are comprised of 4 x 1 watt dies.
tebore said:
In terms of Power LEDs the Batwing is the "widest" beam.

+1 on that. Just got in some batwings, and when I tried one out, it was amazing how wide that pattern is. Much more of an 'area' light than a directed light. At least, the ones I got are.
I have used a hack saw with the ones from E-bay 5 mm and then put a little clear nail polish on it to clean it up. The nail polish can also fix big nicks in glass ones wares too.

Good luck!

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