What kind of light(s) do you usually carry?

What type of light do you usually carry?

  • 1 light - Incandescent

    Votes: 4 2.0%
  • 1 light - LED

    Votes: 70 34.7%
  • 1 light - Hybrid

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 2+ lights - Both kinds!

    Votes: 35 17.3%
  • 2+ lights - All LED!

    Votes: 91 45.0%
  • 2+ lights - All incandescent!

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters


Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2007
Was wondering what type of lights you guys usually carry. Right now I'm kind of stuck deciding whether to carry my E2D with LF EO-E2R or my NovaTac 120P as my common carry light. I experimented carrying them both... but I just don't need that much light (yet!) and I don't put things on my belt so they ride in my cargo pockets, thus carrying one is optimal.

Anyway, whenever I carry my E2D, I love the color rendition but then I get afraid of using the bulb too much and having to replace it and missing any form of a low mode. When I carry my Novatac I miss the color rendition of the incan and the excellent form factor & grip, but I love having lower, long running modes.
I put 2+ all LED's but two of those are those button-cell keychain LED's from Lighthound. Usually I just carry my HDS EDC. It handles almost everything I need to do.
I voted 2 plus all LED because I generally carry 3, two Photon II Microlights on my keychain (1 white 1 red) and a Fenix L0PSE.

When out and about at night I may toss an Inova X0 (optics version), X5 or an Ultrafire C3 in another pocket for something brighter.
Always carry my HDS U60 or a Novatac 120P in a leather belt holster as well as a second pocket light. Number two light is either a McLuxIII PD or a TNC.

I hate answering questions like this because it can vary depending on weather, season, anticipated situations, dress, etc. But I put 2+, both. Typically I have a P1 and 6P, P1 and A2, P1 and G2...you get the idea. Sometimes I may go all incan or all LED depending on the situation, but the A2 throws a monkey wrench into what to call that. 2+ both is the closest I could get.
Normally it's a SF L1 CREE on the belt and a Photon Freedom Micro on the keychain for me. I may someday like to migrate to something like the A2 so that I have access to a nice incandescent light, but for now the L1 serves all my needs.
Currently I am carrying a NovaTac 120P (briefcase, coat pocket or nylon holster) and a Fenix L0D CE or an ARC-P (inner pocket of the business suit or back pocket of my jeans).
My opinion differs from the main stream answers normally given. I attribute this to the different nature of my work conditions and and to the way that my eyes view light.

I work in a dim, but never dark, environment that is lighted by a variety of light sources. One of my common uses for a light is to light up a dark corner, while standing in the vicinity of a mix of light sources. Under dimmer indoor conditions, an LED with throw works well for me. I recently replaced my SF E1L with a Fenix P1 CE and am happy with the change.

However, for my outdoor uses, under my varied ambient light conditions, no clear winner has emerged. Strange though it seems, my SF E2O with the MNO3 lamp is a solid performer. So far, the E2O has been beaten out only by a Mag 2C LED and a SF D3 with a Cabela mini turbo head.

Sadly, my SF C2 with incan, Wolf Eyes Cree and Malkoff Cree does not penetrate the light mix as well as the little E2O. (The C2 incan is superior up close, but at distances over 30 yards the wider beam becomes lost.) In particular, the Wolf Eyes Cree performed vary poorly under conditions of ambient light and haze/light fog. It seemed that most of the output was reflected back to me. The Malkoff drop in works for me, but just barely.

Away from the crazy ambient light conditions at work, my choices are almost completely reversed.
My SF C2 Malkoff is a clear favorite, because of throw, and the Wolf Eyes Cree is great for its more floody, general purpose beam.

So, my favorite lights for work carry are the SF E2O with MNO3 and the little Fenix P1 CE. Away from work, I rely on my keyring carried Peak Matterhorn and whatever brighter LED based light that seems to fit my anticipated conditions.
Culhain - interesting points. I guess the CPF motto "Buy Both" or in your case modified to "Buy Many" has real reasons behind it.
Culhain - interesting points. I guess the CPF motto "Buy Both" or in your case modified to "Buy Many" has real reasons behind it.

Thanks. Prior to joining CPF, I never considered the idea that lights are tools and as such followed the logic of different tasks, different tools.

Like so many others here on CPF I love new technology and am very appreciative of all the reviews and user comments concerning the best and the brightest.

But, I have come to believe that there is no such thing as a best light. There are only best lights for certain people, under specific conditions and doing limited tasks.

I feel lucky, it didn't take me long or cost much, to discover the hidden meaning in "Buy Both".
I carry on me a type of L-1 or ML-1 (have various different types of both), I used to carry an A2 but the L1 is better for my needs!
On-Duty: Surefire U2, Surefire 6PL (LED), 9volt "Frankenlight" built up from mostly Surefire parts (M2 bezel, Malkoff M60 drop-in, Z48 tailcap, Leef body), and a Surefire X200B mounted on my duty pistol

Off-Duty: Surefire L1 (CREE), Free keychain LED from LightHound, along with the U2 or 6PL in the car.

*ETA: Just ordered a Photon Freedom Micro for my keychain!
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most of the time is my SF C2 with seoul drop-in but the L2 still sees some use and lets not forget the keychain light. 1 light-LED was my choice.
Nichia coin cell on the keys, L0D CE in the jeans 'key pocket' along with a LM Micra, SS Inka and ST Screwz All.
SF 6P Defender and SL Ultra Stinger while on duty with a SL Twin Task as back up. The TL when it gets out of the shop so to speak replaces my SL Ultra Stinger.
I carry a Fenix P3D beside my wallet in my rear pocket. It replaced my SF E2e because it is brighter, and with it's 5 different modes, it is much more versatile. I never thought I would see the day I did not EDC a SureFire. Where, oh where, is the Cree or Rebel SF L4? Somebody please wake up PK and Dr. Matthews.

I carry a Fenix P2D in my left front pocket. It is very easy to get out and, again, it is very bright and versatile.

I have a Fenix LOD on my key chain. It replaced my old ARC AAA. The Fenix LOD's are very bright and versatile with 5 different modes.

My ARC AAA is in a pocket sewn onto the side of my cheap nylon wallet. If I only grab my wallet, I still have my spare car key and a flashlight. I would like to replace the ARC with a Fenix LOD. They are the same size and as you may already know, the Fenix is brighter and more versatile. :)

Four flashlights as my EDC, does that make me a Flashaholic?