I had a thought just now...
Im sitting here watching "P2" (its a horros flick I think) and I thought to my selves "when are we flashaholics going to be acknowledge?"
I mean there must be a couple of us out there right? And In every horror flick I have ever seen, not even one of the "victims" have been a flashaholic! Does bad things only happen to people that are not prepared?
Its a classic when the victim are where ever they are and the lights go out! I mean I would have whopped out my flashlight faster than...
And If I would have been an American citizen (and had license to carry a gun on me at all time I DEFINITELY would have!) I would have had my gun locked and ready to rumble!
I mean most of the "victims" in the movies take their mobile phones out to light the area with... I guess that one or two are gasping with me when that happens...
So "when" are there going to be a movie with a true flashaholic in a horror movie that can make the situation more "realistic" (to us at least
) and dont get us all upset about them not having a flashlight on them?! I mean to me at least it is strange NOT having a light on you at all time! 
Im sitting here watching "P2" (its a horros flick I think) and I thought to my selves "when are we flashaholics going to be acknowledge?"
I mean there must be a couple of us out there right? And In every horror flick I have ever seen, not even one of the "victims" have been a flashaholic! Does bad things only happen to people that are not prepared?
Its a classic when the victim are where ever they are and the lights go out! I mean I would have whopped out my flashlight faster than...
And If I would have been an American citizen (and had license to carry a gun on me at all time I DEFINITELY would have!) I would have had my gun locked and ready to rumble!
I mean most of the "victims" in the movies take their mobile phones out to light the area with... I guess that one or two are gasping with me when that happens...
So "when" are there going to be a movie with a true flashaholic in a horror movie that can make the situation more "realistic" (to us at least