which eagletac megalight should i go with.


Newly Enlightened
May 4, 2008
I have been thinking about a light like the eagletac megalight or" M2 for the P7 version and M2X for the tri-R2 version. " I have been a big fan of eagletac, but i did not know they would be the one to make the next light i would get excited about.
Seems to make the most sense to me, with side by side 18650's, alot of battery capacity in a small package.

Here is my problem, i like the idea of a p7, i have never had one. but how well will it throw. I know the reason it will not throw as well as the M2x is because it would need a much bigger reflector, I really should not order a 150.00 dollar light that needs 50 dollars worth of rechargable batteries in my current economic state, but i probably will, no way will i get both.

my brightest light is my eagletac t10c2, it has alot of output, and decent throw, will the m2 outthrow that light? My initial thought is i want the p7 but maybe the mx2 will be a better light for me. If the p7 light can outthrow my t10c2 by 50 yards or more i am sure i want the p7. Just wanting to hear you's guy's input.
ps. what kind of tint can you expect from a p7, i hope they are a little warm for outdoor use.
I will also ask a question if you don't mind....like has anyone seen the R2 version head? Is it 3 emitters with their own seperate mini reflectors contained in the same head?
I would go with the tri-R2. Even it is rated only 800lms vs 800-900 of the P7. Should throw pretty well and doesnt get as hot as a P7 (generally speaking).
I would go with the tri-R2. Even it is rated only 800lms vs 800-900 of the P7. Should throw pretty well and doesnt get as hot as a P7 (generally speaking).

seems like i read somewhere that the light is very well heatsinked. I thought i saw that you could let the light tailstand on high for an hour with no problem, im talking about the p7,
Since it is 3 XR-E's side by side, it is more or less equal to 3 T10C2's taped together (slightly nicer looking though). Im not sure if this is correct, but wouldn't it simply have a larger hotspot (3 times larger), not necessarliy a brighter one? In order to have a hotspot that is brighter, wouldn't the reflectors have to be angled very slightly so the beams converge?
Since it is 3 XR-E's side by side, it is more or less equal to 3 T10C2's taped together (slightly nicer looking though). Im not sure if this is correct, but wouldn't it simply have a larger hotspot (3 times larger), not necessarliy a brighter one? In order to have a hotspot that is brighter, wouldn't the reflectors have to be angled very slightly so the beams converge?

I would think so. But what gets me is that each reflector is only 1" in diameter. For a single emitter in a small reflector like that, it doesn't seem like it would throw very far.

Maybe it would be like having 3 TK11's together.
Since it is 3 XR-E's side by side, it is more or less equal to 3 T10C2's taped together.

Maybe it would be like having 3 TK11's

I don't think so, you can have 3 R2s but not necessarily drive them at 1400ma each, like the T10C2 does. They rate both at 10 watts, so each R2 would be producing 240-260 lumens @ 3.3w.

As for the hotspot, it won't be 3 times larger because the distance between each emitter is just a little more than 1" and the projected light is straight to the front. The beam is like a circle with 3 slightly (about 1+ inch) off-centre hotspots, and not triangular shaped.

For example the Romisen T6 has 6 emitters but the beam is not 6 times larger.
I think I see what you are saying; that they will overlap. I suppose this would result in a brighter beam, but only in the overlapped area.
I think I see what you are saying; that they will overlap. I suppose this would result in a brighter beam, but only in the overlapped area.

Which is theorically almost all the hotspot area. put 2 flashlight parallel next to each other, you'll see that the distance between the 2 center of hotspots at 50m and 1m is the same.
Still, The beam angle is about the same as that of a light with one XR-E in a single reflector.
I wonder how the throw of a single XR-E in this light (with a single reflector like the one in the M2, but smooth) would compare brightness-wise with the tri-R2 setup. The Tri-R2's would be brighter, but the beam angle would probably be a decent amount wider.
But the reflectors are still small....only about 1" each. Doesn't seem like that would throw very far?
But the reflectors are still small....only about 1" each. Doesn't seem like that would throw very far?

ok, in the megalight thread it claims the p7 version will throw 50% farther than the t10c, and the tri xr version will throw 200% farther than the p7 version. so we should expect about 200 yards out of the p7 and 400 yards out of the tri xr version. If the p7 will truly light up something at 200 yards , that is far enough for me.

Now is the p7 going to be a cold or warm colored light? im hoping warm to nuetral?

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