Which to get from Cabelas?


Oct 12, 2005
Green River, Wyoming
I have a $50 gift card for Cabelas and am looking at getting a knife. I'm willing to spend $100+- so that gives a better selection in their choices.

I think I want a fixed blade for this knife as all my previous knives have been folders. Length is also an issue and I would prefer one less than 10" in total length, though I may be persuaded to one longer.

These are the ones that caught my attention, Timberline Knives Zambezi, SOG SEAL Knife Series, Ontario Knives, KA-BAR Black Handled U.S.M.C Fighting/Utility Knife, Gerber LMF II Knife, Gerber Freeman™ S30V® Fixed Blade Knives, Columbia River M60 SOTFB™ Knife, Benchmade Fixed Griptillian Knives, Cabela's Alaskan Guide Series Mini Alpha Knife.

Any help would be appreciated.
personally not a fan of gerber or columbia river. fixed grips are nice. sogs are nice but the handle materials are pretty meh and they usually dont use premium steel.

so out of what they have id go for the griptilian, or pay a bit more for the Benchmade 156 CSK but that may be a bit too big.
Well I have it narrowed down to either the SOG Seal Pup, Benchmade D2 Griptillian, or Benchmade 156 CSK. I like the length of the Seal Pup the most, the steel of the Benchmades, the shape of the blade on the Griptillian and the handle of the 156 CSK.

Wondering on their knife classes. I read the descriptions on them but still wonder if Blue class is a step above Black class or if they're about the same. Doesn't make a difference but it is nice to know.
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If it were me, I'd go for the Benchmade fixed Grip. I've got a couple of the folding mini-Grips as well as a fixed blade BM Nimravus, and I've been very happy with the quality of my BM knives.