Flashlight Enthusiast
I love my DBS v2 MC-E due to it's great combination of power and size. It's compactness allows me to conveniently holster or pocket it while on nightly walks - but I have to run IMR16340s to accomplish this. These batts have worked great for me w/no drop in brightness with use but they last less than 30 mins and require close monitoring. I've used the 2x18650 extension but I find it too long to be convenient for casual carry.
The solution to balance this problem would seem to be an extension tube that allows 2x18500 batts for longer use and still be reasonably compact. It would also work well on the CL1H v4 which is really awkward with 2x18650 (IMHO).
The DBS's balance of size and performance is what differentiates it from the raft of lights with large bezels/weight (A10, RX-1) for those of us who value compact performance.
A 2x18500 extension tube would seem to be simple for Dereelight to produce and a great addition to their line of modular options.
Is anyone else interested in buying these extension if Dereelight offered it?
The solution to balance this problem would seem to be an extension tube that allows 2x18500 batts for longer use and still be reasonably compact. It would also work well on the CL1H v4 which is really awkward with 2x18650 (IMHO).
The DBS's balance of size and performance is what differentiates it from the raft of lights with large bezels/weight (A10, RX-1) for those of us who value compact performance.
A 2x18500 extension tube would seem to be simple for Dereelight to produce and a great addition to their line of modular options.
Is anyone else interested in buying these extension if Dereelight offered it?